Part 3

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Here's the next part.. Such a long gap for this story.. Sorry about that..

Please ignore typos and errors..


Laksh and Ragini were sitting facing each other at a cafe..

It was quite an awkward atmosphere with neither of them speaking..

A server comes there to take their order..

Laksh - urmm .. Will you have your ginger tea like ealier..??

Ragini - why do you think I still prefer tea after all these years.. ??

Laksh realizes that she is right.. Things have indeed chamged a lot..

Especially her..

Laksh - oh.. Alright.. Then coffee..??

Ragini (shakes her head and look towards server) - A cup of ginger tea and a black coffee please..

She saw laksh looking at her with raised brows..

Ragini (shrugging ) - well.. Many things might have changed but my love for ginger tea hasn't..

He looks at her in exasperation shaking his head..

Laksh - and how would you know that I still like to have black coffee.. ??

Ragini - because you still are as much bitter as you were earlier.. It has to be the effects of that bitter coffee of yours.

Laksh - what.. ??

Ragini (waving her hand) - Chill.. I was just kidding..

Laksh - but how can you be so sure that I like black coffee..

Ragini (looks at him challengingly) - don't you..??

Laksh keeps looking at her but then takes a sigh..

Laksh - fine.. You are right..

Ragini (chuckle slightly ) - thought so ..

Their order arrived and they both start taking sips of their beverages..

Ragini - Urmm.. Is there a specific reason that we are meeting here instead of having this talk at either of our homes..??

Laksh - Home.. ? ?

Ragini - Yeah.. We do live across each other after all..

Laksh looks up with widened eyes..

Laksh - I didn't even think about that..

Ragini looks at his face and an amused chuckle escapes her lips..

Laksh looks away sheepishly..

Again silence spread between them..

Realising that they were just going round about, she decided to take the initiative..

Ragini - So.... What is it that you wanted to talk about..?? I thought we had already said everything we had to say to each other..

Laksh - No.. (Laksh turns towards her) only you did.. Remember ..?? I was just listening all the time..

Ragini - you did say many things ..before the night reveal that is..

Laksh - There is still something I haven't said..

Ragini (taking a sigh) -Alright..have a go at it then..

Laksh - I m sorry..

Ragini got really surprised by this.. She wasn't expecting that at all..

Ragini - Sorry..??

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