Part 4

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Knock knock.. Anyone there...??

Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors.. (That is if I still have readers for this story 😬)


Laksh was waiting in front of the elevator.. As it comes down he sees Ragini entering the building in a hurry going towards the lift..

Laksh - I am going from it..

Ragini - O... K..

Saying that she enters inside..

Laksh - I said I am going from it..

Ragini - Yeah.. And who is stopping you.. ??

Laksh- Then why did you enter it..

Ragini looks at him strangely..

Ragini - You do know that we both can go in this life  .. Right..?? It can fit up to 13-15 people..

Laksh widens his eyes in realization..  He suddenly felt very stupid..

What was he doing..?? Fighting for elevator as if he is fighting to go to bathroom..

He sheepishly enters inside and ragini presses the floor button..

It's been a month since he has been here and even though living across they have hardly seen each other.. This was the first time in a month they had came across or talked with each other..

Although laksh can't help but glance at the closed door across his house while going out or coming back..

Ragini was standing at the side silently when laksh glances at her..

Laksh - How are you..??

Ragink - Hunh.. ?? Uhmm.. Good .. And you..??

Laksh - Fine..

Ragini - How is mumbai treating you..??

Laksh - Its fine I guess.. I haven't really got the time to look around.. I am busy in work whole day..

Ragini smiles slightly and nods her head.

Lift arrives on their floor and they both come out and go towards their apartments..

While opening his apartment's door he steals a glance at her direction who was opening her door lock and enters inside..

He let's out a mirthless chuckle and enters inside..

He removes his blazer and goes towards the kitchen to prepare a black coffee..

Seems like she had really freed herself from all the bonds and boundations..

But is it so easy..?? Wasn't she the one with feelings for him..?? Then why is it that he was the one who was still caught in shackles of their estranged bond..

Why is he stuck in the darkness that she left behind while she had happily taken away his light.. ??

He was lost in his thoughts when the doorbell rang..

Laksh gets surprised as hardly anyone comes at his place.. Maybe a delivery guy..

Or maybe it is....

Suddenly he felt his steps turning heavy as he looks at the door..

With slow steps he reaches the door and opens it and as he expected...... No as he feared it was Ragini standing there..

She looked quite awkward being there.. Laksh looks at her curiously..

Ragini - Uhmm...

She handovers something to him.. Laksh frowns as he saw medicine tablets..

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