Part 5

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Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors ..


Laksh was driving back to his apartment when he saw ragini standing at the corner of the road..

He hesitated for a moment and then drove towards her..

He stops the car and looks at her who was surprised to suddenly see him..

Laksh - Want lift..??

Ragini - It's alright.. I will manage..

Laksh rolls his eyes and opens the door of passenger seat..

Laksh - Please.. No need for this formalities .. It's not like we will be in one car together for the first time.. Besides we are going to the same place.. Come on .. Hope in..

Ragini looks on not sure..

Laksh - What are you thinking about..?? It's not like I am going to kill you or anything..??

Ragini (raising her brows) - Are you sure..

Laksh had nothing to say to that.. He remembered when he actually tried to throw her cliff from his car..

He looks down feeling guilty.. Ragini notices this..

Ragini - fine.. Fine..

She comes and sits in his car..

Ragini - Saves my travellimg fare anyway.. Let's go..

Laksh shakes his head..

Laksh -  I am quite amazed at your talent of mocking such sensitive incidents..

Ragini - So..?? What am I supposed to do..?? Cry over everything all my life..??

He looks at her deeply..

Laksh - You have truly become carefree to everything, right..?? Does nothing effect you now..??

Ragini - I am not a stone.. Duh.. Of course things effect me.. I am a human being..

Laksh - Doesn't seem like it..

Ragini - look I had two choices- either weep over everything that I have done and what happened to me snd be miserable like I was doing earlier or just concentrate towards making a new life for self.. I chose the latter.. It's not easy and neither this life is perfect but I am in much better space of mind than I was earlier..

Laksh - Yeah.. Planning others wedding seems to be much better idea than trying to force yourself in my life..

Ragini - True and I earn the money too.. Although it's not as lavish as being the malkin but I manage .. And yeah it's not just the weddings.. Every event.. Here is the card.. Do spread the good word..

Laksh takes the card and looks at it.
He looks up at her..

Laksh - Nothing really effects you now.. Right..??

Ragini looks him straight in the eyes..

Ragini - Again I would make it clear.. I am not a stone but a human and thimhs affect me..

Laksh - Doesn't seem like it.. What is it..?? Have you got a switch?? Like turn off emotions or something..

Ragini - Really..?? Vampire diaries..??

Laksh - you weren't any less than vampire then..

Ragini - Touche.. And you the poor damsel in distress.. Everyone bent upon to make your life miserable.. Right..?? Tch poor you..

Laksh shakes her head and looks in front..

He takes a sigh..

Laksh - Sorry.. I said too much.. I shouldn't have..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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