Chapter 6

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Perhaps my tactic of solving other's family problems wasn't the best. Sometimes I should shut my mouth if someone is not asking for help, but if I actually can help them out, why wouldn't I?

Naruto has never brought up a topic like this. Yet, he was in front of me breathlessly talking about his pain and all that happened in his household.

Sometimes we might think that our friends will come willingly to us and share their pain, so that we can provide them with a shoulder to cry on, or give advice. But that is not the case at all with everyone. Just like Naruto, there are people out there who smile so brightly, and are happy, and energetic. You would never even question a thing. You just assume they are an odd happy person.

So, I won't feel bad for trying to start this conversation with Naruto. Looking at him right now, tells me exactly that he needed this. To vent out, to have a shoulder to lean on too.

My hand goes to cover my mouth as a gasp leaves my mouth "Dad cheated on Mom with his secretary."


Naruto nodded his head, lowering it and looking at his hands which were now only playing with his pastry. I felt the urge to hug him, so I did. I got out of my booth, and slid into his. The blonde didn't protest at all, instead he hugged me tighter and I patted his back, in hopes of giving an ounce of comfort.

"I'm sorry." I whisper close to his ear

He shook his head, parting from the embrace "This had nothing to do with you, no need to feel sorry for me Y/n."

"No... But I feel sad that you went through that. I'm here for you though."

"It's just... I was so young. My dad wasn't the worst man on the planet, he did want to keep a bond with me. But I was so angered at the thought of him cheating on Mom that I cut all ties with him. He's the one that pretty much got me into this college. I guess he is interested in my life, but I just... I can't forgive him for what he did to Mom." Naruto adds in

"I understand. What he did doesn't really make him a great man. I wouldn't have trusted him after that either." I reason

"I guess I would've acted differently a little back then. I miss the way we were. A happy family. But I know that can never happen again." Naruto says

"Maybe you're right. And things can never go back to how they were after something like that... but that doesn't mean you can't have your dad in your life too if you want that."

Naruto bites his lip "I don't know Y/n, all I wanted was to keep Mom away from him."

"Do you think she would be upset if you... if you tried to reconnect with him?" I try to find the right words

"No." he sighs "She always pushed me to keep in touch with him, said that he's my father after all. But I can't erase the memories of her crying herself to sleep everynight after Dad left. I was 15 then, but that changed me."

I nodded slightly and said "I see." and averted my gaze

What was there to fix? His father really is an asshole. Though he did what he did... he wanted to keep in touch. Perhaps he does care about Naruto, but I don't see how you can make someone forgive you for this.

"Hey..." I say lifting my head after a while of silence "I know it's stupid to say things like this when you're hurting... But I do believe that everything happens for a reason. If this never happened, you wouldn't be where you are today, neither would your mom."

Naruto sighed running a hand through his hair "I guess so."

I nudged him a little with my elbow and smiled a little "Maybe one day you'll be able to have him back in your life, and the resentment will be gone."

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