Chapter 17

180 9 3

(Unedited, there is also smut)

Hearing birds chirping as you wake up is not as common in the city. But here? God, it felt like I was being woken up in heaven. It was such a nice change.

The sun rays were making the inside of the tent to get hotter by the second though. As expected as it was now summer, but I was starting to feel a little suffocated so I quietly removed the strong arms wrapped around me and unzipped the tent, trying not to wake up Sasuke who looked like a newborn baby in his sleeping bag beside mine.

Once out and feeling the fresh air, I took a deep breathin, stretching a bit. Looking around, the place was even better in the daylight, it was as if we landed right in a book-like place, only nature to be seen. All I could see is green and it was satisfying after seeing the grey sight of tall builidings of the city everyday. Right, away from the city, the only noise that could be heard were the forest animals here and there and the slight ruffle of the leaves because of the wind.

"Ah, this is so peaceful." I sigh and close my eyes

Though, peace is never really an option when you're with Sasuke, that much I deduced when a yelp leaves my mouth after feeling his hands on my belly from behind, startling me.

"Feeling better?" he asked

His raspy morning voice was doing things to me, when it shouldn't. It's just a question, but our lack of intimacy lately paired with my hormones going crazy don't go so well together.

"Yeah, I think I was just tired. You know, I think I've been so much more tired ever since I got pregnant." I chuckle "He's tiring me out already." I sigh playfully as Sasuke laughs and planting a sweet kiss on my cheek

"It's not uncommon to be very tired during this period. I think you should take a break anytime you need."

"Right. I'll still come to your lectures to sleep." I laugh and turn around now, looking up at him

Our eyes met and I feel like a 5 year old, so small under his piercing black orbs. I feel safe, and most of all, loved.

"I'd so say something back at you for implying my lectures are boring enough for you to fall asleep," Sasuke tsked "But all I care honestly is for you and the baby to be well. So I'll take it." he sighs shaking his head

He kisses my forehead before taking a step back and holding my hand "Come on, we should eat since we didn't last night. Plus, I have planned something for us to do today."

"Oh?" My brows raised "What are we doing?" I asked curious as to what more than relaxing you can do in a forest, but still following him to the bags set aside and beginning to lay out our breakfast on the picnic table

"You'll see. It's a surprise."


"Sasuke! I'm not going on it!" I shook my head crossing my arms over my chest

"Baby, nothing is going to happen. Don't you trust me? Come on." Sasuke pleaded, his eyes big with worry now

I may have ruined his surprise.

But no way am I climbing in that boat on this lake which looked deep! Nope! I am afraid of boats. Like what if it will just sink? Or flip? Or break? In the middle of this lake and we just drown and di-

"Babe please. I planned this whole thing out." Sasuke said for the thousandth time and I wasn't sure if I was feeling bad for him and his puppy eyes or if I wanted to slap him because of how irritated I was starting to get

Professor Uchiha (Sasuke UchihaxReader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now