Category- Passive
HP- 8
Characteristics- Will avoid water, rain, and heights. Will try to jump over 1 block high obstacles often, and will act awkward when at fences, doors, etc. (Like jumping in circles).
Food- Wheat
Drops- White Wool, Gray Wool, Light Gray Wool, Brown Wool, Pink Wool, Mutton
Special Drops- All other wools besides the wools above.
Height- 1.5 high, 0.5 wide, 1.5 long
Location- In bright places with grass blocks. (Sorry that goes for cow, and pig too.)
Usable Items- Shears, All types of Dye,
Predator- Wolves/ Dogs(Whatever you want to call them)
Minecraft: The Mobs Handbook
FanfictionA book about all the things you will need to know about Minecraft Mobs.