Chapter Five: Bonds and Boundaries

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Isabella's Uber ride to school had granted her a small taste of independence, but as she stepped into the familiar classroom, she was surrounded by the buzz of students and the mundane routines of the day. Her two best friends, Lily and Emily, were already there, their animated conversation halting as they noticed her arrival.

"Hey, Isabella! How was your weekend?" Lily chirped.

Isabella's lips curved into a smile, grateful for the distraction. "Oh, you know, the usual stuff. What about you guys?"

They launched into a recount of their weekend adventures, and for a fleeting moment, Isabella felt a semblance of normalcy. However, her brief respite was interrupted when a voice cut through the air, calling her name.


She turned to see her stepsister, Stephanie, approaching with a bright smile. But Isabella's heart tightened as Stephanie's voice echoed through the classroom, capturing the attention of their classmates.

"Why didn't you come with us from the car this morning?" Stephanie asked, confusion lacing her words.

Isabella's gaze flickered to their classmates, who were now observing the unexpected interaction between the two girls. She felt a mixture of embarrassment and frustration, not wanting her personal life to become a topic of discussion among her peers.

"Oh, um, I didn't feel like to come together," Isabella mumbled, her voice barely audible. In honest way.

The confusion in her classmates' eyes was palpable, when they saw the interact between two who haven't talk to each other but suddenly today they are talking with eachother. Isabella quickly excused herself before stepping out of the classroom. Her two friends followed her, sensing her discomfort.

"Hey, Isabella, are you okay?" Emily asked gently.

Isabella sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I didn't want all that attention. Everyone doesn't need to know about our family stuff."

Understanding dawned on Lily's face. "Got it. Sorry for prying."

Isabella managed a small smile. "It's okay. Let's just head to the bathroom fast classroom is going to start"
The trio went back to class everyone where settle down to their seat and teacher came after sometime and started to begin the lesson.

It was lunch time suddenly Stephanie came towards Isabella seat and told her to come and have lunch together with her and their cousin but Isabella just decline her offer and went towards her friends.

Isabella "hey girls let's go to have lunch in garden"

They said "Sure"

Stephanie saw that Isabella went to have lunch with her friend she was sad. Her friend also came towards her to have lunch together and she said let's go my cousin must be waiting and they went to her cousin lunch spot where they always have lunch together.

The trio made their way to the school garden, a quiet and peaceful spot away from the prying eyes of the classroom. As they settled down to eat, Isabella's mind was still preoccupied with the morning's events.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the school, Stephanie was sitting with her cousin Alexander, who was known as a clam and composed student in the class above them. Stephanie's mood was downcast, and Alexander couldn't help but notice.

"What's bothering you?" he asked, his tone gentle.

Stephanie sighed, twirling her fork through her lunch. "I asked Isabella to join us for lunch, but she declined. It's just... I thought maybe we could spend some time together."

Alexander studied his cousin's face, a thoughtful expression on his own. "Sometimes people need their space, Stephanie. If she's not comfortable, it's best to respect her wishes."

Stephanie's lips twitched into a half-hearted smile. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Alex."

Their conversation shifted to a more cheerful topic—the upcoming school sports festival. Stephanie came bring to her cheerful personality and she started to chat in enthusiasm bubbled forth as she talked about the various events and her plans to participate. Alexander was glad to see her mood brighten, and he chimed in with his own thoughts.

Back in the garden, Isabella's lunch was a quiet affair. She picked at her food, her mind occupied with the morning's events and the strain of trying to navigate her new family dynamics. Her friends exchanged concerned glances, but they knew that sometimes words weren't necessary—being there for each other was enough.

The school day continued, lessons passing in a blur as Isabella tried to focus on her studies. The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the day. Isabella, Lily, and Emily walked out of the classroom together, their bond unshaken by the morning's events.

Stephanie want to give her some space as what her cousin told her early so she didn't asked as she saw Isabella was exiting classroom with her friends. She also exited afterwards with her friend after the class duty was over she went towards her cousin and they went towards the car who was waiting for them to take back home. Alexander didn't ask Stephanie about Isabella not being with her when she was exiting school he thought that Isabella really didn't want to talk or seat with them and he just seat with Stephanie inside the car and the driver start to drive them home.

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