Don't Take The Girl Lyrics written by Craig Martin and Larry W Johnson

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Johnnys daddy was taking him fishing when he was eight years old.

I remember it like it was yesterday. A warm summer day in 1990. This short brown hair little girl moved in next door. Krista Stanley.  Seemed like every day she was out trying to play with us boys. She just wouldnt take the hint, no girls allowed. She was always invading our clubhouse and following us down to the pond. No matter what we were doing or getting into, there she was.

Summer of 91 my dad decided to take me fishing for my 8th birthday. I was so excited. It was all I could talk about for weeks leading up to my day, July 28th. The day finally came and I was up at the crack of dawn. Rushing down stairs with my favorite fishing pole heading straight for the door, I was almost out with a flash.

Johnny Allen, you sit yourself down here and eat some breakfast before going out that door.

Awe come on ma, pop and I gotta go.

I was the least whiniest kid on the planet until it came to spending time with my dad. Being an only child will do that to you. I had a ton of friends that I did all kinds of stuff with, but nothing compared to time with my daddy.

Reluctantly, I sat down to eat my eggs bacon and toast. Pop was already outside loading up the truck. Coming inside to kiss mama goodbye he smiles at me with those big blue eyes just like mine.

Ready to go champ, we gotta long day of fishing ahead of us.

Sure am pop, mama am I done? Can we go now?

Mama laughs, the only way a mama can when dealing with an impatient birthday boy.

Yes Johnny you boys go on ahead.

She reaches out and gives me the biggest hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Have fun baby, go enjoy your birthday.

Returning her hug, I grab my pole and head straight for the truck. After helping Pop get the rest of our stuff in, I started to head for the front seat, when I heard it. The one sound no boy wants to hear when trying to leave.

Wait for me, wait for me. Mr. Anderson can I go too?

It was Krista  holding a pink fishing pole, a bright pink fishing pole. What on Earth was she gonna catch with that thing? As far as I could care, she could catch her way back home because she was not coming with us.

Pa she cant come with us, tell her.

Pop just laughs at the sight of her, then smiles down at me.

Look shes got her fishing pole and everything, we cant leave her behind. I know you dont want her to go, but I can promise you son, one day youre gonna change your mind.

I will never want her to go anywhere with me Pa. Come on, take Jimmy Johnson, or Tommy Thompson, or even my best friend Bo. But please Pa, dont take the girl.

She annoyed me the entire trip. Little did I know, that girl would change my entire world.

Same old boy, same sweet girl. Ten years down the road

Prom night. The biggest night of a young mans life, and Krista has never looked more beautiful. I never could imagine how much this girl could mean to me. I think it was after I turned 14 when I started to see her in a whole new light. It just seemed like over night she started to look different, and sound different and even smelled different. She became the most wonderful person in the world in my eyes. It was then that I started following her around everywhere. We became the best of friends, and I could not have imagined a single second without her.

Prom was the best time of our lives. I don't know if it was because we were seniors or because we have been together for 2 years, or because the most beautiful girl was on my arm. I was happy and she was amazing. We danced like we were the only two people in the room. I dont think Ive ever seen her smile so much. I also dont think I could forget how her green eyes light up every time she laughs. I was lucky and she was mine.

Krista and I decided to take a walk before going home for the night. She always loved how our small little town lit up when it was just starting to settle in for the night. We ended up down by the old movie theater. We used to spend most Saturday nights in our younger teenage years there. Krista turned to look at me, wrapping her arms around me and giving me the sweetest kiss. I still get butterflies thinking about how she would kiss me.

Before I could even think, things turned from great to bad. A man came from out of the shadows grabbing Krista and putting a gun to her side. In that second my view of the world changed.

Do everything I say and nobody has to get hurt, he says.  I knew in that second I would do anything to get that man away from her, so I tried to bargain.

Look, you can have anything you want. Take my money, my wallet and all my credit cards. You can even take the keys to my car, but Im begging you mister, please don't take the girl.

He took everything we had and ran back into the shadows. I didnt care. Krista was safe. I quickly got her back to the car and drove her home. That is definitely a night that neither of us will forget.

Same old boy, same sweet girl. Five years down the road.

Krista and I have been married for a year and things just could not be any better. I took over dads hardware business and things are great there. Krista graduated from college last spring and is expecting our first child any day now. One rainy night, Krista and I were watching t.v. and snuggled on the couch. She asks if I could grab her a drink, she goes through a lot of juice these days. Heading back to the couch I find Krista sitting there with a look that nearly made me lose my head. She said those four little words that I have been looking forward to and dreading all at the same time.

Its time to go.

Like a mad man I grab her jacket and bag and rush her to the hospital. By the time we get there, nurses are already waiting. They take her to the maternity ward while I park the car. I run into the building as fast as I can to get by her side. Slamming into the admissions desk I tell them Im looking for Krista Anderson. With a look Ill never forget the woman telling me to follow her. Going towards delivery a doctor meets me in the hospital.

Mr. Anderson, Im doctor Collson. It seems we have a problem. The baby is here, a beautiful baby boy. But Krista Im afraid is fading fast. She suffered a brain aneurysm while delivering and she might not make it.

My world stopped. I couldn't breathe, I couldnt think. I fell to my knees and cried.

You have given me more in life than I have ever deserved. You gave me parents that loved me, friends that adored me ,and a girl that I can not live without. I'm begging you, take the very breath you gave me. Take the heart from my chest. Ill gladly take her place if you let me make this my last request, take me out of this world. But God please, dont take the girl.

I didnt even get a chance to say goodbye. Before I knew it, my life, my world and the mother of my child was gone. We had a beautiful service for her. Buried her beside her mother. I spent years trying to find the strength to let her go, but some things are easier said than done. Andy is eight now, and is every bit like his mother. Hes smart and funny and even has her eyes. He helped me appreciate life, and I get to keep her memory alive by reminding him how amazing she was. Ive found myself again, through her, through him. And in some ways, its getting easier. 

Today Ive decided to take Andy fishing, Just like my dad did with me.

Andy, the truck is all packed up ready to go?

Standing beside him on the porch was a pretty little blonde girl with freckles.  Shes also eight and my best friend Bos daughter, Lindsey.

Youre going fishing Andy? I wanna go, but I dont have a fishing pole.

I smile at her, heading into the shed. I pull out a bright pink fishing pole.

How about this Lindsey, think this one will do? She smiles brightly and reaches for the pole. Its a perfect fit for her.  Andy grabs my hand pulling me to the side.

Dad, I have never asked you for anything but I am begging you. Whatever you do, dont take the girl.

        AN~ Don't go to hard on me this is my first story released but I've been sitting on this story for three years. I'm so excited to finally release it. Suggestions or comments let me know. Thanks guys.

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