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I'm finally back from the break I took without knowing why. And this Volume will be interesting if I say so myself. Anyways this is Volume 2, where the story will take place all over the world. So that I can introduce other characters. So stay with me and give out your comments.

In the outskirts of Mastafu. A group of four people wearing cloaks are seen running on top of the trees. The one in the front who appears to be the leader commands.

???1: (Grits teeth) Hurry! Before they catch us!

???4: We are running top speed Sir Haru. We don't have speed quirks after all.

Haru: Just hurry! Those bastards absolutely cannot catch us. Hajiro use your wind quirk to enhance our speed you dimwit!

???4/Hajiro: Uh- boss- boss! They're here!

???2/Sakazuki: OH God! We're dead aren't we?!

Haru: No one is going to die here! Just stop talking and run!

???3: (Exhausted and Panting) B-boss I just can't run anymore!

Haru: Sakura! You useless girl. Just.... Run!

???3/Sakura: I-I can't. I'm gonna die!

As Haru was about reprimand Sakura, a voice speaks calmly behind Sakazuki. Scaring all of them including Haru.

???: Now now. Why are you running?

The voice asks with a playful look and a smirk.

Haru: (Gulps hard) D-deku!

Deku: (Smirks) Why were you running? I just wanted to ask you a few questions.  And uh... maybe kill you. Just maybe. After all you are working for ALL FOR ONE.

Sakazuki: (Terrified) I-I wasn't working with hi-

Before he could finish, Sakazuki for the first time in his life saw his whole body with his eyes. As his body falls down without the head.

Sakura: (Terrified and screaming) AHHHHH! M-m-monster!

Deku: (Thinking face) Monster? Hmm? I have never been called that. All I know after all are the name Devil, Demon, Evil and Useless. Hahaha.

Deku laughs but no one laughed. His laughter to them was like the Devil is singing.

Deku: Now Haru. Will you tell me or will I have to kill all of them before your eyes?

Haru: (Terrified)

Deku: Ohh! Don't be scared, I won't do anything to you. Also don't think that just because I'm asking you doesn't mean I can't know it. I just don't like seeing people's memories, it makes me feel old.

Haru: (Even more Terrified)

Deku: Tch, tch tch. I guess I just have to-

Deku points his hand to Sakura as light gathers in his hand.

Deku: Destroy her.

Haru: NO! I give up! I will tell you everything I know!

Deku: Good. But I won't stop pointing my hand, if you lie I will know. Start talking.

Haru terrified by that, told everything that he knew about what the League was doing these past 2 years.

Deku: (Frowns) This is getting troublesom- (Giggle) Would you look at that, Aizawa is rubbing off me.

Haru: Deku-sama will you let us g-

Deku: Just die. {Light Manipulation: Rainbow Slash}

Haru's body is sliced in the middle. Sakura on the other hand not being able to handle the death of two of her companions was puking on the side.

Deku: (Slightly tilts his head to the left) Where are you going Hajiro?

Hajiro: (Terrified) Please let me go! I have a family to feed. Please!

Deku: Umm. Maybe if it was me from two years ago. I would have let you go but you're two years late. {Light Manipulation: Crimson Execution}

Hajiro's whole body exploded from the inside. His intestines flying in the air. Because of all that stimulation Sakura fainted.

Deku: (Nonchalantly) What a pity. But I'm not weak willed so even if you fainted. I'm still gonna kill you. Goodbye it was nice to meet you.

Deku turns his back and calmly walks way. As soon as he passed the distance of 12 meters, the whole place behind him exploded. (A/N In my mind he looks so cool 😎)

Deku: (Sighs) ALL FOR ONE is getting to arrogant.

Deku's eyes at this moment were filled with coldness. As they shine with a dark green color. But as if he never wore that look, his face turned all smiles.

Deku: (Grin) I'm sure I'm the first one to get information so Mina will have to do anything I want. (Evil Smirk) Time to go.

Deku turns into his Elemental Form of Light Particles and Flys with the wind back to the base.

He arrives in the base getting quite the surprise.

Izuku: WHAT? How are you guys here?! Aren't you suppose to be looking for information?

Before anyone could reply, Mina responds with a smirk.

Mina: Ara Ara, darling. I guess you have to do something for me. (Smirks)

Izuku: (In a low voice) Lucky beautiful Bitch.

Mina stops in her tracks.

Mina: (Glare) You say something?

Izuku: (Startled) Not at all MAM!

Mina: Goo-

Aizawa: Just stop, please stop! IM SO FUCKING TIRED! To deal with your bullshits.

Emi: Honey, just go to bed. No one asked you to be here.

Izuku: (Spits out his drink because of laughter) Hahaha! Ouch!

Mina: (Trys to hide her laughter)

Aizawa: (Seriously annoyed) You all better sleep with one eye opened because I won't rest before you're all dead.

Emi: (Smirk) You say that but- you're all ready sleeping.

True to those words Aizawa is seen sleeping soundly. The group all laugh.

Mina: So we wait for him to wake up to report?

Izuku: Yes. Let's all take a rest, we've been out all week.

Emi: I'll be taking him.

Izuku&Mina: Goodnight Sensei.

Emi: Goodnight you too. Don't be noisy at night.

Emi hurries out before she gets killed by Mina's acid.

Mina: (Blushing) W-what! (Grits teeth) I was trying to be nice you damn Sensei!

Izuku: Hahaha!

Mina: (Glare)

Izuku: (Gulps)

After that Izuku didn't do anything to annoy Mina lest he wants to die a painful death.

{A few hours after the explosion that Deku caused.}

???: (Annoyed) First thing we see in Japan is an explosion. Tch. What do you this Elisabeth?

Elisabeth: (Smiles) Japan.... is interesting. My dear Johnnie.

John: Tch. What? You divined that too?

Elisabeth: (Smiles) The world is changing darling. Everything in this planet will soon be interesting.

Elisabeth turns back to leave the scene.

Elisabeth: Are you coming Husband?

John: (Sighs) Coming.

This is the longest chapter in this story. I will be writing at least 3/4 chapters this long. I will also try to make all other chapters this long bit no promises. 😁 Please welcome me back!

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