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Five months have passed since Porchay's appearance in this compound. But every time he thinks, he is surprised how his life has suddenly changed so terribly in such a short time. First, the attack on their house by loan sharks, Porsche leaving him to join the mafia, getting his mother back but she doesn't react to anything anymore, waking up to nightmares most nights after the kidnapping, then living like a prisoner in the compound. Porchay started to feel very lonely because of these reasons.

     It is raining heavily outside. Sitting next to the large glass window, his hands began to shake as he strummed the guitar and memories of the previous tutorial session and moments spent with Kim began to stir one by one.

     He still can't believe that those happy moments were really fake. Writing a message on that Polaroid and hiding it in Kim's guitar, sitting together by the river watching the sunset, eating noodles together from Porchay's favorite stall, watching a movie together on the sofa - tears started rolling down his eyes as he remembered these things. But he quickly wiped it with his shirt sleeve. chay wondered how kim kept fooling him.
    Despite all this, he can't hate Kim. In fact, his heart still yearns for Kim. But he decided not to care about his feelings any more.

   Taking down the guitar from his hand, he unlocked the phone and looked at the messages from the unknown number for a while and sighed.



please reply

Please say something.


I'm sorry Porchay

Just give me a chance to explain.

I'm sorry


    Porchay decided not to reply to those messages. He is very confused. First Kim told him that he doesn't love Porchay. Second, what do these messages mean? He got angry and shouted-

Aaargh! Kim!
When will you stop playing with my feelings?
Are you playing a new game now?
You were not happy to hurt me,
Why don't you leave me when you made it clear that you only used me and never loved me?

     Tired of all this, he decided that he had to get out of there anyway. After doing a lot of research, he decided to take admission in business studies course in USA. Yes, he decided not to study music anymore. The music he had dreamed of since his childhood, when he found out about Porsche joining the mafia, he realized that their dream of performing at a beachside bar was now over. After realising WIK's true purpose of teaching him the guitar, Porchay no longer wanted to pursue music.Anyway, all that's left now is to convince Porsche to let him study in the USA. He knows it will be a difficult task to convince Porsche but he still wants to get out of Thailand at any cost and regain control of himself and give himself some time.
     He left the guitar by the window and decided to go to Porsche's room and talk to him.

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