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"A meeting in the hog's head? Why would they choose that place? I heard that Dumbledore's brother runs it." Whispered Rosaline to her friend Emmeline who had just informed her about the invitation both girls had gotten from a bushy-haired girl.

Emmeline shrugged. "That fifth year, Granger, said that it would be less crowded than the three broomsticks."

Rosaline closed her eyes as she sank back down in the white matras from the hospital wing. Wincing when her shoulder eased against the soft fabric.

"Poppy m'dear, how long do i have to bear this torture? I could be playing right now! Or studying, or patrolling.. Or anything really!" Rosaline complained to the lady who had strolled by, taking a look at her bandaged shoulder. 

"No will do, Miss Linkers. You should be able to live with the consequences of playing quidditch. That includes resting after you've been hit by a bludger three times! Honestly, i don't get why you refused to come any sooner....", the woman muttered, stepping away and hurrying to a second year, who had been hit with a leg-locking curse.

Rosaline groaned as she looked at her best friend with pleading eyes. "Emmeline, my favourite friend. Pleeease stop this torture! Help me escape!" She tried, but even Emmeline shook her head.

"Rosie, it's not because your captain of Ravenclaw's team that you have to be unhurtable! I'm sure your teammates will understand when you leave to take care of yourself. Honestly.." scolded her friend, determined on keeping the injured girl right where she was.

Rosaline scowled, but listened to the older Ravenclaw. It was their last year, and Rosaline insisted on winning the cup, overworking not only herself but her teammates too. It was her last chance, never in the seven years she has been at Hogwarts had they won it.

Madam Pomfrey returned, holding a flask labeles "Skele-grow". Rosaline groaned again, but took the glass the woman had handed her.

"Now, you shall drink this, while i get a bottle of the sleeping draught, which you are well familliar with already." She said sharply, initiating to the hundreds of times Rosaline had landed up in the hospital wing, most of the time carried by madam Hooch or her teammates.  

Rosaline pinched her nose and shut her eyes as she downed the drink in one go. It burned Rosaline's mouth and throat as it went down, making her cough and splutter.

Emmeline looked at the girl in pity, and waited until madam Pomfrey entered her office, before repeating her question.

"So? Do you want to go to the meeting or no? It's next Hogsmeade visit.". Rosalie nodded, still squinting her eyes and coughing.

"Yeah, it couldn't hurt to go. Besides, it can't be worse then that ugly lady-toad's lessons. They're torture in it's purest form!" Rosalie spoke, glancing over to her right hand, where the words "I must be a responsible head-girl." stood carved still.

She shuddered, and looked back to madam Pomfrey, who had returned with a new potion Rosaline was also familiar with. The purple, bubbling sleeping-draught stood bright against the white decor of the hospital wing. It matched her hair, she noticed, which she had dyed purple in the summer break.

Rosaline grinned, remembering everyone's reaction.. Emmeline's eyes had gotten as wide as saucers, and kept touching it and running her hands through it the whole train ride. Fred and George Weasley had rubbed their eyes trice before registering that she had dyed it, and Lee Jordan was immediately all over her again. He bought her a chocolate frog, and gifted her his Daisy Dodderidge card, even when it was the only card he was missing to complete his collection. She would never admit this to anyone, but that card hung on her wall at home.

Even little professor Flitwick had squeaked in suprise when she entered the charms classroom. People stared, but Rosalie didn't mind.

Madam Pomfrey ushered her to drink everything out of the bottle, so Rosalie smiled at Emmeline and placed the drink at her lips.

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