19 1 4

"So this is it?" Rosaline questioned as she stared at the unstable looking wooden door. Emmeline reached over and pushed it, leaving a loud creaking to fill the pub. Awkwardly, the two Ravenclaws shuffled aside, and towards three fifth years that were already seated there. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. The granger girl jumped  up in surprise and shot them a tight-lipped smile.

"Hi! You guys are early! You can just go search for a seat, and i'll explain all when everyone's here!" She squeaked, cheeks pale and eyes wide of excitement.

Emmeline smiled at her, "How many people are coming?" Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, "I think i invited around twenty-five people.. but it could always be less!".

She shuffled away with another small smile, leaving Emmeline and Rosaline to find a seat. With a flick of the Ravenclaw's wrist, several chairs appeared. She plopped down on the one as far away form the door as possible, and turned to Emmeline,

"So, do you think people are going to show up?" she questioned, sceptically looking around. Emmeline smiled, "Of course they are! I think people will want to know how to defend themselves." she said, looking around the dirty bar. Her face scrunched up when a woman in a wedding dress fell down and stopped moving. She quickly turned back to Rosaline,

"'We know what we are, but not what we may be.' said William Shakespeare once, and i believe that this defence class will teach us how to be right that!"  she quoted, folding her hands on the dirty table. Rosaline grinned, "Ems, i don't get how you can remember weird Shakespeare and Einstein quotes, but not the ingredients to the draught of living death."

Emmeline shrugged, "It's just way more interesting, kinda like how you remember everything you did im a day, but not what you dreamt about. Oh look, i think the people entering right now are Hogwarts students!" she motioned to the old door that creaked open just the slightest, showing wary students peeking inside.

First came in a boy called Dean Thomas, together with Seamus Finnigan (Who was linking pinkies with Aine Callaghan) , Josephine Malaika (a Ravenclaw) and Neville Longbottom, who were closely followed by Lavender Brown, Arizona Morkley and Parvati Patil, who's arm was linked with her twin sister's, Padma Patil. Then came Cho Chang and one of her giggling girlfriends, who looked all but happy to be there. After them came Luna Lovegood, a girl Rosaline had grown quite fond of after listening to her talk about Crumple-Horned Snorcacks and Helipoaths, looking so dreamy that if they didn't know her, it might've seemed like she wandered in on accident.

Right behind her were Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell, two of Rosaline's friends and fellow Quidditch players. Two boys who Rosaline only knew through stories walked in, Colin Creevey and Dennis Creevey, one past-petrified and the other mates with the giant squid that lived in the giant lake. Behind them were three of Rosaline's housemates; Terry Boot, Micheal Corner and Anthony Goldstein, who looked terribly critical at Harry and his friends. The door didn't close because right after Justin Finch-Fletchey, Ernie Macmillan, Hannah Abbot and Susan Bones walked in, the two girls chatting loudly about a muggle game (The 'sexy' players) called football. Trailing behind, with a dark hood pulled over her head, was Odette Emblée, the famous pureblood Slytherin. Rosaline squinted her eyes, trying to make eye contact, but Odette looked down and sank down the nearest chair as far away from everyone as possible. Rosaline saw Hermione walking up to Odette, and she spotted a ghost of a smile on her both of the girls's face as they spoke. She noticed Piper Rochelle, who had entered after Odette, glare viciously at her.

Ginny Weasley entered too, followed by a tall, skinny blonde boy with an upturned nose who Rosaline knew of for being an extremely aggressive and unfair Quidditch player.
Rosaline groaned as she recognised two mops of bright ginger hair right behind Ginny, and buried her face in her arms when she saw another mop of dreadlocks right behind them. Emmeline patted her back, "There there, i'm sure they'll sit somewhere far away from- they're coming right at us." she shrieked, quickly combing her hair with her fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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