The Corrupted Church Arc: The Incident

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The Tokyo Incident: October 30th at time stamp - (23:51) PM

The colosseum roared with disgust, anger and resentment as the young boy was dragged from the the dark gates. The crowd cheered as they watched him lifted by chains that wrapped round posts either side of him as the boy lowered his head. His snow white hair stained red with blood that dripped onto the stone tiled floor in a glistening pool of scarlet. He watched as the guards slowly began lighting torches in a circle all around him, the crowd screaming abuse demanding for justice. A sea of white robes, that's how he saw it. Yet no matter how pure they all claimed to be, he knew their precious robes would be dyed a shade of red so dark it could put the Gremory family to shame.

The torches planted around him crackled and sprayed as the wood within them collapsed as it burned. The walls that encircled the arena stood still, worn by time and decay. The flags nailed to those walls flapping slowly in the wind, bleached by their age. The cracked tiles below the boys feet, a fine example of how strong the church actually is. An even better example of how no matter how hard they tried, their lies were easily discovered. "Your all fools..." the boy muttered as the crowd went silent.

The whole crowd took to their knees as a large, purple sheet at the centre of the colosseum's stands was drawn back. The crowd lowered their heads as six figures stepped forward garnished in golden jewellery and purple robes that matched the sheet. One by one from either side, the figures took their seats in large thrones, furnished with velvet cushions and holy symbols until the final figures, smaller and more shrunken than the others, sat down. With this action, the rest of the crowd raised their heads taking their own seats as the once violent crowd was reduced to silence and stillness.

The figures looked down towards the boy in disappointment who had his own head raised the whole time as he glared towards them with a thin line of blood trickling from his chin. The boy threw his head backwards before spitting a large amount of blood mixed saliva a few meters to his front sending the crowd into madness of his actions. "HOW DARE HE DISRESPECT THE HIGH COURT!?" was the most common outburst as they hurled bits of rubbish and torn thorn branches in a large shower towards him. One of the figures, larger than the rest, raised their hand high into the air before slamming against his chair seat sending a pulse of aura throughout the colosseum triggering silence once again. The small and shrivelled figure rose to his feet removing his head garment that covered his face as he began to speak.

"Rin Akuma, you stand trial tonight on multiple charges, each one carrying a penalty of death, I shall now read your charges. First, the murder of a fellow and senior ranking sorcerer. Special Class Exorcist, Phillip Graves. How do you plead?"

"I proudly plead guilty chrome dome." Rin smiled as he spat again sending the crowd into momentary madness at his obvious disrespect. "Oh what's the matter my oh so pure seniors, has the oh so evil heretic displeased you? What a shame." Rin smiled as the crowd struggled to keep composure.

"Your second charge, aiding in the escape of two S-Class rated Nekomata strays that were under pursuit for their crimes of murder against their own master. Do you deny this?"

"Nah I totally did that, let me tell you the older sister was crazy but she sure had a sense of humour that's for certain. Yeah I helped them escape, after all have you retards not stopped to think why they did it perchance?" He smiled as the crowd stood in pure anger that almost emitted towards him like a thick cloud.

"Your third charge, communication and conspiring with devils. Do you deny?"

"Well it's not really conspiring jeez, all I did was drop the younger sibling off with a devil king who was known to have a trusted and reliable record and talked to another king about why I did it. Like I'm telling you all now, I couldn't care less what a bunch of old and spoiled idiots think and dictate without thinking about the consequences or impacts on another's life. And all in the name of God. If all are in his so called image why do you destroy it? Think about that one you skeletal morons." Rin spoke as he looked across the crowd of robes that held faces of fear, disgust and rage. What he did like to see though was the fear.

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