Chapter 5: A Bit of Blood & Bubbles

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Blood sprayed up the hollow wall as the limp body flopped backwards, a set of hands lifted body back up before slamming it through the wall lifting a cloud of dust into the air. A dim light from the overhanging moon shone off her glasses as she flicked her hair backwards over her shoulders, "President, exorcist has been apprehended for questioning." Tsubaki spoke calmly as she picked the limp enemy from the ground. Over the girl's shoulder appeared three figures brandishing a set of transparent glasses, a lollipop and a small bottle of blood red lipstick. Momo grimaced her face at the sight waving her hands infront of her face, "That's disgusting Tsubaki, there's blood all over you shirt and hands!" She wined stepping back from the rest of the group. "Grow up Momo it's just a little blood~" Koneko sang out with a grin at her friends hysterics. The two entered a glaring match which Sona swore she could see sparks dropping from.

'These girls are worse than he is...' she sighed, her hands lifting above her head as she struck the two firmly enough to send the spinning to either end of the room. "Guess the intel provided was right then, so Mr Clergyman, what exactly is it that your doing within this town?". Sona had the man suspended in the air above her, Tsubaki cracking her knuckles beside her.

"W-What...?" spat out the exorcist in a weak tone. His breath laboured heavily with every tense of his muscle making it very apparent that the Vice President had broken more than a rib or two within the man's body. "Numbers of your allies. Base locations. Reasons for activity. Seem more clear?" Sona held a cruel smile as she cocked her head side ways constricting the floating man further. "AAHHH O-OKAY MAKE IT-" the exorcist dropped to floor before he felt Tsubaki's knuckles strike his jaw, blood spraying from an already split cheek. "Talk." She spoke coldly with a kick for the added effect of the interrogation. The exorcist rolled onto his back with a mop of sweat soaked black hair slaying over his eyes. Silence echoed through building for a few seconds before the exorcist began sitting up, his dry mouth opening as he began to speak. It was at that point his chest lit up with a blinding glow, a rod now protruding from his abdomen. This was followed by a horrific shower of blood that poured from his chest endlessly, Sona's eyes widening in panic. "EVERYONE AMB-".

The walls behind them burst into clouds of dust, black feathers and a mixture of laughs faced the peerage who steeled themselves for battle. A small girl holding a sword pushed through first swiping at Momo who watched as the blade passed over the edge of her skin below her neck drawing a thin line of burning blood. Momo quickly turned with a strike to the fallen angels back pushing the girl down, "A maid outfit on a fallen angel really!? Such crap style choice!" Momo advanced her attack with a series of magic based strikes and slices motions with her hands which one after the other connected with the opponents face. Blood burst from her nose as this attack continued. The two girl became locked in a momentary grapple, Momo quickly realised the disadvantage she faced as a magic caster rather than a physical fighter like Koneko. "Hey Glutton, help me here!" Momo turned her head to see Koneko pinning an angel to the floor by her knees as she wrapped her torn shirt up against her upper chest with a glare. Koneko then slammed her fist into the fallen angels head with a sickening crunch followed by pop that Momo turned her head away from. "Oh my- ughhhh..." Momo dropped her head downwards to puke before seeing her enemy lifting a sword above her head.

She rolled onto her side lifting her hand upwards to the girl, a glowing gold sigil appeared above the girl with a crackling fizz before the fallen angel lit up in a shower of flames that quickly spread over the fallen angels body as she screamed in pain. Momo took to her feet retreating backwards from the angel taking a breath. Koneko lifted up the corpse from beneath her knee using it like a shield against a second enemy who lunged at her with a long blood red spear that broke the meat shield like pen and paper. Discarding the body Koneko launched into an offensive striking the second fallen angel's neck with a sickening crunch before dropping to her knees as its spear came spinning over head. She then spun on her knees pressing her chest against the floor with a grin watching a blood soaked Tsubaki appear behind the stunned angel holding a ball of crackling flames. The fallen angels burst into flames above the girl ending the ambush, "Guess the birds don't mix with fires after all." Koneko flicked her bangs back with a smile, blood running down her stomach from the floor surface.

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