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"Is this truly Lagos?" Hanan gasps while she winds down her window letting the breeze sway her long permed hair.

"Yeah, we have a new Governor so there's a new change," Abdul replies.

"Wow! I'm amazed, Lagos looks more beautiful and free from holdups unlike before."

"Yeah, you've been away for 3 years, what do you expect, an underdevelopment?" Abdul chuckles.

"I'm happy to see such development." She smiled.

"And I'm sure you will be more happy to see our new house too." Nanny Ann chips in while she teasingly pulls Hanan's cheeks.

"A new house? What new house?" Hanan asks curiously.

"I didn't tell you, I wanted it to be a surprise, We moved to Ikoyi island last week."

"Really? What happened to the previous one?"

"I sold it and bought a duplex."

"Woah! That's great!"

"I had your room painted in your favorite colors." Nanny Ann smiled.

"You still remember my favorite colors? I only told you once."

"I do, I also remember your favorite food, everything about you, how can I forget?"

"Aww! Nanny Ann is the sweetest, don't let Amira know I said that." She laughs.

"Oh, that reminds me, what of Amira? I thought you were arriving together." Abdul asks.

"Yeah, her family decided they were stopping at Dubai to shop before returning home, Her brother is getting married on the 20th of this month to an influential girl and I was invited." She narrates to them happily.

"20th of this month?" Abdul mutters.
"I guess it's the season of weddings." He sighed.

"Who else is getting married?" She asks.

"It's..." He wished to speak further but he couldn't, so he diverted the topic.

"Congrats!" He laughed.

"For what?"

"The overall best student! We need to celebrate you." Abdul smiled giving her light taps on her arm.

"Yes, you made us so proud when we received the news, What a champion you are!" Nanny Ann also commends.

"Thank you."

"You deserve a gift," Abdul said.

"We should have lunch together like the old times." She suggests.

"Yeah we will, I prepared all your favorites." Nanny Ann smiled.

"Yeah, she did and she didn't even let me have a taste of the Dan wake." Abdul scoffed.

"You made Dan wake?" Hanan exclaims with a wide glare.

"Yes!" She smiled.

"Nanny Ann, what will I do without you? I crave Dan wake more than anything, I love you." Hanan pouts hugging her closely.

They enjoyed their drive back home chattering and catching up to the old times, Hanan couldn't be happier to be back to where she belonged, to the people who love and adore her selflessly.

After a while, they were driven into a glass duplex, the house was just the perfect description of luxury.

Hanan took her time to enjoy the view before strolling into the house together with two girls who struggled to pull in her pieces of luggage.

HIS LOVE (A Sequel to HER WORTH)Where stories live. Discover now