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"Do we intend to dance all through the night?"

"Unless you wish so, you tired?" Faruk replied while glancing at her, he read her uneasiness.

"Hmm, it's getting quite late." She mumbled.

"Yeah, we've danced enough, let's get you home."

"You wanna drive me home?" She quickly asks and with a chuckle she moves away from him to the table, picking up her bag she turns to him with a nervous smile.

"Don't bother I will just get a cab or...

She isn't given the chance to complete her statement as Faruk goes to her, he whispers placing his finger tip against her lips.

"Shhhh! You are mine now, it's my duty to make sure you get home safely." He utters his finger still resting against her lips and gently she removes it and smiles.

"Drive me home then, but I'm worried about Abdul, he isn't aware I came to meet you, and he seemed angry at the hospital, I don't want him to see us and you know...

"Yeah, I understand, but I think I need to re-introduce myself tonight."

"Re-introduce yourself?" She asks confusingly before getting what he means. "You wanna meet Abdul?" She mutters with a flared gaze.

"Yes, I don't intend to be in a secret relationship."

"But, we aren't even in a real relationship yet, till you succeed after a week." She utters.

And instantly, he motions his face close to hers, and swiftly she leans backward, leaning against the table with both hands resting on the table, he stretches his face to her, and he stares deeply into her eyes making her experience a brief sort of anxiety.

"What's he trying to do? Don't kiss me please." She shuts her eyes turning her face away and this cracks a laugh out of him.

He moves away laughing hard, while she watches him, she can't help but feel embarrassed at the way he laughs.

"Ugh! What's funny?" She chuckles.

"You, your face earlier seemed like you were experiencing some sort of terror, relax baby...

"Baby?" She mumbles. It feels like a foreign word hearing it from him.

"I don't bite, and most importantly after the last time at the cafe, I've sworn never to go intimate without your consent." He says moving closer to her, he reaches her hands and gives them a little squeeze.

"I won't kiss you till you fully accept me, I swear." He adds.

"Hmm, thanks." She smiled.

"And just as I promised, I will promise again to make you love me, choose me, and accept me, so please allow me to see your family about us."

"Hmm... She hums staring away for seconds before responding. "Okay, but I will do the talking first."

"Okay, let's do just that." He smiled collecting her bag, he led the way out.

Quietly they strolled to the parking lot, they got to his car and he opened the door for her to sit before journeying home.

From time to time, Hanan stole glances at him while acknowledging the fact that their relationship had changed forever, even if their relationship didn't succeed after a week, there was no way she could still see him as the Faruk she once thought as a friend.

He wasn't just her friend anymore, he was a bit beyond that. Neither is her lover nor is he her friend, she is yet to figure out where to place him.

"Let's see what happens after a week." She affirmed stealing one last glance at him, but he caught her staring, it was too late for Hanan to look away.

HIS LOVE (A Sequel to HER WORTH)Where stories live. Discover now