006. There's No Place Like Homecoming

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Rachel and the four girls walked quietly into Aria's house, carrying takeout and magazines. With Byron and Ella on the rocks, Aria had been distant. She was spending all of her time in her room and was quiet at school. She had even gone to Rachel's house and vented to her, accidentally revealing her relationship with Ezra Fitz in the process.

"Hey, what's going on?" Aria said as Spencer shook her awake.

"An intervention." Spencer explained.

"We brought takeout and rag-mags." Emily said, putting them on her bed.

"But you can't have any of them until you get out of these sweats." Hanna said.

"What's wrong with these?" Aria asked defensively, sitting up.

"Nothing... except they're starting to graft to your skin." Rachel laughed.

"Well, they're comfy." Aria tried to defend herself and her sweatpants.

"So are mom jeans and platform flip-flops." Hanna retorted, "Plus, how are we gonna help you choose a homecoming dress if you don't come try some on for us?"

"That's easy, I'm not going." Aria replied.

"What do you mean you're not going?" Hanna questioned.

"Neither am I." Rachel said, "I just came here to help Aria."

Hanna gaped at the two girls. "You can't just not go!"

"What are you guys doing instead?" Emily asked.

Aria picked up the magazines. "I don't know. I guess I'll just read these and then inhale a gallon of chunky monkey."

Rachel looked at the girl sympathetically. She felt for her. Even if her parents didn't fight, they were still horribly distant. It feels like your whole world is crumbling around you, and Rachel understood that.

"And I don't have a dress." Rachel said, "Unless you count the one I wore to Ali's funeral."

"Hey, look, cutting yourself off from the rest of your life is not gonna help your parents." Spencer told Aria, "Besides, they still might work it out."

"And Rach, you can come to my place later and wear one of my dresses." Hanna said to the brunette, "We're the same size now."

Rachel smiled but let Aria talk. "They're barely speaking to each other."

"People get angry, they lose their heads." Rachel said, "But that doesn't necessarily mean it's over."

"Rachel, they didn't lose their heads over her Dad missing their anniversary," Hanna said, "He slept with one of his students."

Aria seemed to freeze up and nervously bite her lip; the very mention of her father's affair put her on edge. "Sorry..." Hanna muttered.

"Things can look over on Friday, and by Monday all is forgiven." Emily said. "Some things just take time."

"Yeah, maybe." Aria said.

"Okay, so you're coming!" Spencer said excitedly, "Come on! And if Aria goes, you have to go too, Rachel!"

Rachel rolled her eyes and grinned. "I'll think about it." Aria said.

"If you're not coming, can you at least cast an absentee ballot?" Hanna asked. Spencer scoffed.
"What? I need her vote."

"Hanna, stop already!" Spencer scolded. "You've got homecoming Queen locked down."

"Really? You can rig the election?" Hanna asked. Rachel wasn't sure if she was joking or not.

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