019. A Person Of Interest

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Rachel sat with her arms folded across her chest protectively. Since her parents were working in California, they had given Veronica Hastings consent to be the legal guardian during her questioning. They hadn't said anything more than that. It stung Rachel to know that her parents had nothing to say about her being questioned by the police; accusatory or not, Rachel would've welcomed that with open arms rather than radio silence.

Spencer began to explain to the officer the video that was sent to them of Ian and Alison. She said nothing of Rachel's video, which she was thankful for. "The video was sent to us by an anonymous source. Probably the same person who sent it to you. It was loaded onto my laptop."

"This time we saw who Alison was talking to," Rachel began, "It was Ian. He told her to come closer... And she did. Ian and Alison were together the weekend before she went missing."

"I called Hilton Head and talked to the desk clerk," Spencer explained, "Ian lied to me, he stayed at Hilton Head last summer."

The detective stopped writing and looked at the two brunettes. "This is what I don't understand– Ian was a star athlete, right? Popular guy, dating a beautiful woman like your sister," He looked at Spencer, "You really think he would risk all that to be with Alison? She was barely 15."

Rachel interjected without realizing that she had. "Well, maybe he has a thing for younger girls." The detective looked at her, "Why would you say that?"

"I don't know." She said quietly. Everytime she came close to mentioning what Ian had done to her to somebody, it was like the words were caught in her throat and wouldn't come out.

"Were there other younger girls he was interested in?" The detective asked. Rachel shook her head and lied straight through her teeth, something was becoming increasingly and worryingly good at, "Not that I know of."

Once the detective was done with his questioning, the girls were finally allowed to leave. The parents stayed with each other to talk, so the five girls stood away from anyone else to talk.

"Whoever said "the truth will set you free" never met 'A'." Aria commented bitterly.

"Jesus," Emily suddenly said. She realized the girls were looking at her confused and said, "It's from the bible. Jesus said it." Rachel couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Then Aria's right, because that bitch is going straight to hell." Hanna said, determined to lock 'A' away for good.

Rachel bit her lip and admitted, "I wasn't completely honest in there." She explained, "I didn't mention my video, I... can't figure out why I didn't. I tried, but it just..." She trailed off and Spencer laid a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"I wasn't either, I didn't tell them I hooked up with Ian." Spencer admitted.

"That has nothing to do with this." Aria told them.

"I lied about it too." Emily said.

"You know, sometimes telling the truth does more harm than good." Hanna said. Spencer looked at Hanna, "Who said that?". Hanna looked down at her boots, "Alison."

All of a sudden, the girl's heard a voice behind them call out for Emily. "Garrett?" Emily questioned, "You're a cop now?" Garrett Reynolds was Emily's old neighbor, so the girls were well-acquainted with who he was.

Garrett nodded and smiled before looking at them seriously, "Look, uh, sorry they're putting you through this." Before they could say much else, the detective who questioned Spencer and Rachel called for him. Garrett leaned in and whispered, "Probably wants a refill on his coffee and another jelly donut."

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