Nerissa's Big Plan

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Music: Horror, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Pirates

We dissolve to the next scene, where we see a skull shape mountain, underneath the volcano mountain. Where it remains as the home of Queen Nerissa. Then we dissolve inside the volcano mountain lair, where the other merpeople, swim, relaxing, playing thought games, putting make up, and being crazy. And then, and the big doors enters, when all was silent. The merpeople look up, and it was there Queen. As Nerissa still remains as a giant mermaid beast, the crowd cheers for her return, Nerissa, Matt and the rest of her merfolk army march through the wall.

Mermaid Servant: (Offscreen) Welcome home. Nerissa!

Nerissa: Thanks I needed that.

Mermaid Fan: (Offscreen) I love you, so much.

Nerissa: And I love you, Bongo.

Bongo: (Offscreen) Yeah, she's saying to me. I'm Bongo.

Then Nerissa reach to her throne, as she sit down and relax.

Nerissa: Ahhh... there's no place like a evil lair. For merpeople, to make human loves us, and then we drown below.

Matt: Yeah, and it was all because of you sis. Cause we won.

Nerissa: (To her brother) We did, but not enough!

Matt: Oh. Your right. We have left, cause we haven't done finish all the rest. Cause we are still at war right?

Nerissa: Right.

Matt: Well, since your home now, (As her brother, take the trident off her hand, Nerissa's body begin to shrink down into her little mermaid human forum as she was shocked) Maybe you can put this Trident down, and then feel much better being in the comfort of your home. Since you a big mermaid now, so why—

Nerissa: (As she grabs the Trident in her hand) GIVE ME THAT!!! (As her mermaid beast body still stays on, and did not change at all. She was so a shame of her brother) Don't you ever take the Trident of Oceanus, off my hands again. Cause if anything happens, when the Trident slip, falls, or break it self, then my powers will be gone. And I'll be a little tiny mermaid again. So don't ever take it away from me again. Do you understand? (Louder) I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?

Matt: (Agreed) Ok, Ok!!! I understand completely! Gezz, don't have a heart attack here. Or a panic attack if that matters.

Music: Cat R. Waul's Theme music by James

Nerissa: (To her subjects) Now, during my war. All the Kraken have lost their powers, and I wipe them out with my trident. All of the warriors are dead. But there are only four left. And I to deflower them, one by one, if I want to have the kingdom of the krakens soon.

Matt: So, how are we going to do it?

Nerissa: Simply. I got a new plan. That will make the war more dreadful and scarier. I had a revelation; if all of ocean sea monsters, that are big and small, will joined forces we us. We could ravage the world, under the ocean, and above the surface. We can run amuck from this palaces, and even their imperial military army won't be unable to stop us!

The merpeople cheers!

Matt: Whoa, that is a sinister plan sister! A work in progress, before we rule the kraken kingdom. It's gonna be like, Godzilla and his Army, destroying the town, for destruction demands! But one problem? How are we going to do it?

Nerissa: Simply brother. We'll send a message to the heads of all the evil fish clans.

In a montage scene, the mermaid girls, are soon writing several messages. They carry the messages into a large room full of caged messenger of dog fish that are mean and cruel and barked badly and issue them the scrolls as collars around thief neck.

Nerissa: (Speaking offscreen from out the contents of the message) I Nerissa, am calling a meeting at Mermaid Fortress in three days. The topic of discussion will be the joining of villainous forces of every evil fish, who are big and small, swimmer, and land crawlers, and even some who are reptiles. We need you, to stand by our side. So we merpeople can destroy these Kraken Warriors. And take the Kraken Kingdom of our hands. Then when it is over... we will take total control of surface world... once and for all! (Laughs evilly)

Then the all dog fishes swim away in roughly the same direction... along with a small blue dog fish carrying a tiny scroll who swim off in a completely different direction.

Fade out.

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