Party, Intruders, and Escape

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Music: The Pod Dance

We dissolve to the next scene, where inside the Volcano Mountain, the mean Merpeople and the big bad fishes troop, all celebrate on their first success on land conquering. By drinking wine, and beer, chicken and pizza, and even ham, taking naps on the tables, and even dancing and kissing.

Mean Shark: Cheers for everybody! Drink up!

Merman with Orange Beard: Hey, I was eating here!

Older Merman: Watch it, you big whale.

Big Blue Whale: Sorry, but I am big.

Older Merman: Of course...

Goofy Mermaid: Quiet! I'm trying to sleep here! (Giggles)

Tall Mershark: Dance, dance, your the lucky one!

Tigershark: Say baby, wanna cuddle with me?

Mermaid with a Eyepatch: Over my dead fin!

We see Matt, getting a snack too, while a mean fish cut off half of his food. A meat ham.

Mean Fish with a Sword: Get your hands off!!! Mergeek!

Matt: Mergeek, is it! Huh!

He's willing to take a seat, until he was trip by a staff.

Merman with a Staff: Going somewhere, Mergeek?

As the merpeople jerks all laugh at him.

Matt: (To the jokers) BABOONS OF THE SEA!

As he settle down with her Sister, Nerissa, as she is showing this lap of luxury.

Nerissa: Can't you believe this brother. Our first day of pillage and plunder and world domination, is at our hand. Look at all the things we have took from the humans, there money, there foods, there clothes, there books, there medias, and most of all their technology phones . I know they don't work underwater. But thank to the humans, they have waterproof covers for them. Easy as pie.

Matt: Yes. And it's all because of you, Nerissa. Who said, we merpeople are dangerous now.

As Nerissa took the meat of his place, until he realized it's gone. Till Nerissa bites it.

Nerissa: So and later, tonight. We are going to plan our next invasion. And the world will be my oysters. And I don't even like oysters, but their pearls as well. (Laughs so loud, then have a ringtone from somewhere else, as everyone stop as well) What on earth, is that coming from? A commercial?

Matt: No sis. But it's coming from your Trident of Oceanus. And it's for you.

Nerissa: (She then pause the sound by squeezing it. And see a image reflected like a TV screen. She saw Agatha and her sisters headed this way to her lair.) So, the finest, Kraken Warriors, are heading this way with no back ups. Well if they want to fight more, they will have it. But it will a little slippery.

Shark: And what's that, maybe it's a grease lightin! (Big shout) YAAAAAH!!!

Then Nerissa, shot a Shark with her trident, then boom the shark that answered was gone.

Music: Muppet Treasure Island Suit

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