Snakestar novella teaser

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Snakestar dug her claws into the sand, memories of the storm clouding her mind. And here, next to her, was Cloverfoot's daughter. 


She gulped. Recently Lightpaw hadn't been so bad. But... now she was in the river. 

Where it happened. 

Snakestar sighed, then held out her paw. "Take my paw." Wolfstripe was watching over her. IF anything happened, she knew that even with only three legs Wolfstripe would protect her in a heartbeat. 

Lightpaw grabbed Snakestar's paw shakily as they began walking deeper into the water together. 

The water, now lapping at Snakestar's belly, seemed to get a little warmer as she and Lightpaw got further in. As if telling her not to worry. 

You're silly, Snakestar. Lightpaw is a small kit. She can't hurt you. Still, she was Cloverfoot's offspring. The cat that was once inside Cloverfoot. 

Inside her evil. 

Snakestar gulped again, still nervous. Lightpaw shoved her to the side with a small paw. "Everything will be fine, I promise," she told her. 

She glanced down at the apprentice. "Okay," Snakestar mewed. 

Lightpaw smiled, and for once, Snakestar felt like maybe she and this small apprentice could be... well, friends. In a universe where Cloverfoot had never done what she had done... 

Lightpaw and Snakestar could be a duo. The leader and deputy of SkyClan. Maybe... she had finally found her deputy. 


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