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Hey! It's Amberleaf! Remember how those "secrets" weren't too great? Y'know, basically just gossip? Well, too bad because I have more of those! I'll be sharing a secret that belongs to everyone in the Clan! 

My father, Toadstar, actually cheated his way into the deputy position instead of his brother Rainstorm. All he really wanted to do was be better than him. So he talked to the previous deputy, Bushclaw, about retiring. If Bushclaw retired, Toadstar said he would fix Bushclaw's bedding, get rid of his ticks, all that stuff if  Bushclaw let Toadstar be deputy. It's safe to say my father never lived up to his promise. 

Splashtail likes to send out tons of hunting patrols to make sure everyone's fed. This is because when Splashtail was a kit, one of the hardest leaf-bares in the history of the Clans hit us. A pawful of Clanmates close to him died during that leaf-bare. Now, he's incessant that everybody is fed. 

Rainstorm, contrary to my earlier belief of him, was not forced into the position of medicine cat. Once Toadstar found his place in the deputy position, Rainstorm realized that his brother had stolen his warrior life. I mean, Rainstorm was a fantastic warrior, certainly not one to be wasted outside of a leadership position. He was never meant to be ordinary. So he looked to medicine. He found his life there.

Though Appletail isn't a fan of ShadowClan, he mentored Willowpaw at his own will. He had begged Toadstar to give him Willowbranch. Eventually, Appletail got what he wanted. See, Appletail was hoping getting an apprentice so desperately in need of help would solidify his membership to ShadowClan. It certainly did not. He still wants to be in ThunderClan much more.

Featherwink and Snaptooth were once rivals. And because of this, Featherwink had a bit of a mischevious streak that Snaptooth inspired. She'd sneak thorns and toads into his bedding, steal the prey from the spots he'd buried them in and claim them as her own for more clout. She did a lot to embarrass him. In the end thought, I think it's safe to say that rivalry didn't last too long outside apprenticeship, seeing as though they have a litter of kits together...

Remember last time, when I said that Meadowwhisker hated me? Well, let's just say she had a reason to. I was a bit of a sharp-tongue when I was put under a warrior for a mentor. But she didn't not retaliate. Sometimes she'd unsheathe her claws while battle training or knock me a few branch down out of a pine tree. Nothing too serious. However, later, once I became a medicine cat again, she got a slight cold that lasted a few days and took up all of my time and herbs, being annoying and complaining, saying she required my constant attention. I have learned now that this is because she wanted some payback. Well let me tell you, old she-cat, once I'm sick with something I'll make it your problem specifically! With all your time in the medicine den with that minor cold, I think you'd know the herbs just fine. Maybe you could fill in for me! HAHAHA! 

Snaptooth would often visit the Dark Forest for a quick train. You already know this. But once my sister, Maplespots, showed up there one night, he mistook her for Mapleshade and never went back. Most cats consider Mapleshade to be a legend, saying that she never existed. But back when Snaptooth was Snappaw, he swore she visited him in his dreams and told him to watch out for the "maple spotted one". And he was doing this a while before Maplespots was even in the picture. Maybe she is real...

Last time, I told you all that Doveflight had a crush on Tigerstripes. Well, she finally confessed and got rejected! HAHA! That's what you get for being mean to my friend, Twix! AHAHA! But it's not funny. She was actually really sad and even got sick from not eating for a while. She spoke to me about it briefly, saying she thought that he'd make a terrific father. He really would've, I think.

 Haha, see how I didn't mention why Tigerstripes rejected her!? Well, that's because that's his secret! Tigerstripe returns Doveflight's feelings, and wants to be with her badly. But he had a deep-rooted fear of having kits with some cat but not being a good father, since he is extremely ambitious and wants to be leader. He admired Toadstar for being a father and a leader, and secretly wonders why others blame him for being a bad father. Tigerstripes isn't a gossip though, and isn't observant at all. He just does his warrior duties and ignores it all. That's probably why he thinks Toadstar is okay. 

Servalstripe has a strange name. Every cat knows it. Why do they have such a weird name??? Well, many cats think that their mother had been a kittypet and knew what a "serval" was. Apparently, no cat said anything, and when asked, they'd just say "It's none of your business, now stop listening to gossip and do your duties, whatever they may be." Lucky you, I found the answer by fishing around and piecing things together. No cat told others, but they'd discuss it privately. Servalstripe and Tigerstripes' mother was a kittypet. Servalstripe is aware of this, and very self conscious about it. That's why he doesn't tell anyone. Poor cat.

Pineneedle's favorite bedding material, for as long as I can remember, has been pine needles. It's how he got the name Pinekit. But for a while, he hasn't been adding them to his nest. In fact, he hadn't changed his bedding for so long Cherrypaw smelled it from the other den and felt to go clean it up for Pineneedle. Everybody knows something's not right with him, and nobody dares ask because they don't want it to happen to them. 

Remember Fudgepaw, Maplespots' very quick little "relationship"? Well, Fudgepelt keeps trying to talk to her and rekindle that. Maplespots truly doesn't want to talk to him, but also doesn't want to hurt Fudgepelt's feelings. Lucky for her, Cherrypaw got pissed about and yelled at Fudgepelt in front of everyone, making a huge scene. Ever since then, Maplespots and Cherrypaw have been a little closer. Occasionally sitting next to each other, sharing something from the fresh-kill pile, y'know. Just talking.

Willowbranch, like pretty much everybody, likes spending near the ThunderClan border. It's nice over there, very pretty. But Willowbranch also has a big issue with it. The Thunderpath! She told me the noise ruins everything, and that she wished she could spend more time there. But I wouldn't bet on that. Willowbranch was never one to enjoy the kind of things that the ThunderClan border has. Willowbranch doesn't like oak trees, the leaves on them, or the openness that they leave in the sky. So why does she go there so often?? And why does she claim to dislike it but spend so much time there!? I think she wants to figure out what's going on with the strange ThunderClan warriors! Detective Willowbranch? I'm all for it!

Then there's me. Wow. I should tell a secret now? ...Okay. One day, when I was a kit and didn't have the hang of all the herbs yet, I... sort of... well, I gave some cat yarrow instead of willow leaves. If you don't know what yarrow does, it induces vomiting. If you don't know what willow leaves do, it gets rid of vomiting. I don't even know how I mixed those two up I mean- I just- AHH!! I'm so embarrassed of that...

Cherrypaw's ultimate secret is that he always wanted his warrior name to be Cherrystem, because he could bend cherry stems into different shapes and give them to cats as gifts. He only gave them to cats he really enjoyed and respected, and I know this because I got one!! HAHAHA! Biggest flex ever. Anyway, he's grown to enjoy his new warrior name Cherryblossom, but still wishes it was Cherrystem. Cherrystem reflected him and his hobbies, and sure, Cherryblossom was cute, but it wasn't Cherrystem.

those are all the secrets I have now!! look out for a third one!

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