Chapter 5

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Summary: Siyang reveals his plan to the warriors. Ji Jingwu and Siyang face off in a flashback. Zhuo Zhi and Siyang converse.

Lu Xia waits inside the war room, lurking in the shadows.

Jiale enters, looking subdued and quiet. 

Qiao Chen enters, fussing with Baiyang.

Zhuo Zhi enters, conversing quietly with Siyang.

Zhiming enters, for once not forcing Yan juice on anyone.

And finally Lu Xia steps out of the shadows to join the ranks. 

"This meeting-" Siyang starts.

Jiale cuts him off. "What are we going to do to find Dachi?" His eyes blaze defiantly.

"I am about to explain. Qiao Chen, Jiale." The two spies stand tall, although Jiale still has his eyes narrowed.

"You will spy on Guo Zi to see if they are holding Dachi and Zhuo Yu prisoner," Siyang continues.

Zhuo Zhi flinches at Zhuo Yu's name. Siyang puts a hand on Zhuo Zhi's shoulder reassuringly, who softens a little at his touch.

"If they are, make note of where and keep spying to glean information. If not, come immediately back. In the meantime, we'll ready our defenses in case one of them attacks." Siyang gazes at all of the warriors. "If they are holding them prisoner, we'll attack Guo Zi."

""You won't be sending Lu Xia in, will you? He's just a kid!" Qiao Chen blurts out.

"He won't be going to be out in the field," Siyang says calmly, ignoring Lu Xia's protest of 'not being a kid'.

"Seriously? He's way too young- oh." Qiao Chen looks abashed. 

Lu Xia glares at Qiao Chen indignantly, who's not even looking his way, so it was pretty much extremely pointless.

Baiyang scoffs. "Learn to listen, dummy."

"I am NOT-"

"Who will lead the attack?" Zhiming intervenes, adjusting his glasses.

" . . . I will," Siyang says quietly. 

"But Siyang!" Jiale gasps.

"But what? I will lead the attack," Siyang says firmly, a steely glint in his eyes. 

Zhuo Zhi doesn't say anything, only releasing a soft sigh. Of what, Lu Xia is not exactly sure.

"Siyang, you're our king," Baiyang says unexpectedly. "What will happen if you die in battle? Xing Yao is most likely on Guo Zi's side. If so, no doubt you'll be going against Ji Jingwu. He's an extremely formidable opponent. You might get hurt."

Lu Xia blinks, trying to process this. Baiyang must've said more words in the last two seconds then he'd spoken in the last month.

Jiale also looks flabbergasted, while Zhuo Zhi settles for a mildly amused expression.

"If I get hurt, Zhiming can heal me," Siyang says, avoiding the question.

Baiyang looks frustrated, but bites his tongue. 

"Dismissed. Zhuo Zhi . . . " Siyang hesitates.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming," Zhuo Zhi says languidly, moving to Siyang's side. (now Siyang's PoV)

When everyone clears out, Zhuo Zhi turns to face Siyang grimly.

"Siyang, remember what happened last time you faced Jingwu. Your left arm isn't fully healed yet." 

Siyang still remembers what had happened like yesterday. 

Flashback, one year ago:

"You'll regret this, Siyang," Ji Jingwu growls, hate etched all over his strikingly handsome features.

Zhuo Zhi turns, using one arm to fend off an opponent.

"Don't, Zhuo Zhi!" Siyang gasps, holding out his sword defensively. 

With a cry, Jingwu jumps up and smashes his sword on the hilt of Siyang's. 

His sword skitters out of reach, but Siyang knows not to run after it and leave his back exposed.

Jingwu brings down the sword one final time, turning the blade at last moment so the flat side hits Siyang's left arm with a sickening crack.

Pain shoots up his arm, blinding and electrifying.

Zhuo Zhi dashes to Siyang's side. He cries out in agony. 

Jingwu looks back murderously. But there's a hint of guilt in his sharp features. 

"Consider this as we WON," Jingwu spits. Then he turns back to his army. They go, knowing the battle was won.

"Siyang!" Zhuo Zhi shakes him. "Come on. Let's get you to Zhiming's medical tent. You need help."

Siyang nods feebly. "Let's go."


"He shattered your left arm," Zhiming says, examining Siyang's arm. "It will take months, maybe even a year for it to fully recover."

"Must it really be that long?" Siyang questions.

"Unless you'd like it to get worse, then yes, it must be."

End of Flashback

"I remember," Siyang says heavily. "But I must do it. Guo Zi will almost certainly encircle us if not."

"We're trapped up here in the mountains," Zhuo Zhi reminds Siyang. "Which means they can't get in, either.

"We're not trapped," Siyang says. He slowly moves his hand to a piece of territory on the map.

"No, Siyang," Zhuo Zhi says immediately. "It's much too dangerous."

"We must hope that Ji Jingwu sees reason."

"After he damaged your arm last time? No."

"It's worth the risk." Siyang looks out of the window. Snowflakes are falling, creating thick clumps of snow that will eventually tumble off the mountain. 

"It appears I can't convince you not to. But please, Siyang, promise me you'll be careful," Zhuo Zhi pleads.

"I will," Siyang promises.

Rather eventful chapter, no? Anyway, I was re-watching the episodes and apparently Qiao Ze is actually Guo Zi's captain, but . . . too late now! Also, the shattered arm bone is a reference to SIyang's arm injury, and the way Jingwu broke it was a reference to the Symphony to Victory. (Jingwu's special move) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! If you did, feel free to leave a vote on it :)

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