If You Can't Take The Heat

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Today's morning ended up being quite entertaining this time.

Mortis sat in bed drawing in his sketchbook. He had woken up early, took his usual shower, and did his hair and makeup so he had some free time while everyone else was asleep.

Duncan was the first to wake up at the typical time, letting out a short yawn before he leaped out of bed and began doing push ups.

However,  he only managed to do two before a foul scent permeated his nose. He looked down and was mortified to see Harold's skid marked underwear on the floor, and fell back with a disgusted grunt.

Mortis and the guys, minus Harold, all cracked up at the sight.

"Oh, that's nasty," laughs Mortis.

Duncan sent a seething glare at Harold. "Not cool, Harold, man! Not cool!"

"Those aren't mine," Harold denies cooly.

"Oh, right," Duncan stands, pointing at Harold. "You're always leaving your gitch lying around."

"No, I'm not. Gosh." Harold folds his arms in annoyance, glaring at the floor.

Geoff steps forward, standing behind Duncan and next to DJ. "Huh. Yeah, you are, dude."

"Seriously, man, you do. It's revolting," Mortis points out, closing his sketchbook and set it to the side. He threw his legs over the bed and stood.

"You have like, absolutely no proof," says Harold, standing and puffing out his chest with his arms folded over.

"No one else wears that kind, dude," says Geoff.

"And your mom sewed your name onto the label," points out DJ.

"Whatever," Harold snaps, grabbing his towel and heads toward the door. "I'm going for a shower."

"Hey, don't forget to clean the skid maker," Duncan calls out. "I think Harold needs to be taught a lesson, boys. Who's with me?"

The guys all clapped hands, planning their lesson carefully.

A little later, both teams met up at the beach where Chris stood in waiting to announce the next challenge.

"Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen. You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward. The losers will send somebody home."

DJ and Geoff both looked at each other warily as Chris explained the challenge.

"Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients-"

A truck suddenly backed out of the lake, catching Mortis's attention, and he stared at it in confusion and shock.

"-Every morning, a truck brings us food. Today's task starts there."

A dolphin then pops out from the driver's window and waves, further confusing Mortis.

The Bass went to the truck first with DJ and Geoff opening the truck. They saw all the food, putting a grin on their faces.

Total Drama Island ft. MortisWhere stories live. Discover now