1: What's he up to?

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Sonic's POV:

Nothing much better than a Sunny day at the beach, a chilidog in hand and no Humpty Dumpty!  Just me, myself, and I. Its just a bummer that Eggman's awfully eyesore lair is blocking the view from the beach, it could be better without it. But at the same time at least I can watch over it just incase I see some suspicious activity. 


What the, Eggman's Lair! A side of It exploded! I knew It! I gobbled up the chilidog and sprinted through the water to Eggman's Lair and saw the huge hole on the Left side of his house, I saw him inside screaming in disappointment.

Sonic: Woah Eggy, what the heck happened?

Eggman: Eh?? Sonic! Robots attack!

Sonic: Woah just a minute there Eggman, I'm not here to fight unless that big explosion was meant to kill us.

Eggman: sigh, no It was just a mistake I made while making another invention.

Sonic: What invention?

Eggman: You'll know soon Sonic! when time comes, I'll use it against you!

Sonic: Okay then, tone it down will ya? I'm trying to eat my chili dog and enjoy a nice afternoon at the beach.

That guy never fails to confuse me. I left by dashing over the ocean and went back to land, I stopped by Meh Burger to get another chilidog and sat back at the seaside looking at the sunset. Now nothing is gonna stop me from peacefully enjoying the beachy-ness. Though I really wonder, what really was Eggman doing, If it did that big of a hole in his lair then he's up to no good, I better tell Tails.

I went to Tails Lab and knocked on his door, he didn't respond right away so I knocked again, this time he answered.

Tails: What Is It Sonic? you looked worried.

Sonic: Did you not hear the big explosion at Eggman's Lair?! 

Tails: I did, I thought It was just a mistake, plus If It really was a big deal you'd be calling for help.

Sonic: that's exactly what I'm doing now?!?! There's a humongous hole in Eggman's lair and its because of that big boom! If it can cause that big of a hole then the town's not gonna like this.

Tails: really? then we better stop him right now. Go run there, I'll catch up with my plane. I'll also call the others just incase.

I ran back to Robotnik's house and saw that Orbot and Cubot were cleaning the burnt parts of the explosion. Out of nowhere I saw hundreds of other robots jump in the scene. Looks like Eggman didn't want any disturbance. Then along came the rest of the Sonic Team Knuckles, Tails, Amy, and Stix.

Sonic: You think these robots can stop me Eggman? well guess what!... No!

Eggman: What the, you're back? and you brought company, you're lucky I'm not done with my latest invention yet.

Tails: What are you up to?

Eggman: Oh just something diabolical! That can not only destroy your little town, but everything else within hundreds of miles radius.

Amy: You wanna destroy other uncharted and innocent islands too? they have nothing to do with this!

Eggman: Well I've figured that I have had enough of your kind, so I'm wiping out any land that has you creatures in it!

Tails: We're not even sure if those Islands have guys like us!

Eggman: We'll find out soon..

Woah! he's clearly gone rogue! I thought he just did this to annoy me or whatever, but this? Oh heck no! Maybe we did push him to the limit! Whatever Its bothering him, it doesn't matter, just as long as he's not planning to kill everyone!

Suddenly the robots started to attack us, we fought them like we always did, and we thought we won this battle but holy moly! they probably got an upgrade because we sure are getting tired! Eggman's cracked!

Tails: Ugh! what's up with him!

Sonic: No idea buddy! But we're not match for these robots and I'm admitting it, fall back!

I hated those two words, but I had to say It, we ran away from Eggman Island exhausted, good thing the robots didn't follow us.

Stix: I knew It, This is the end! The Robots will end us all! even we cant defeat them.

Sonic: No one is dying Stix! not on our watch. We need to prepare the village for whatever doom is about to come, and prepare ourselves too. Find a safe place in the island the villagers can hide in once Eggman attacks, and inform them about this.

Tails: Woah, I've never seen you so productive in forever! Did something spark you up?

Sonic: Nothing important, just kind of worried since Eggman's never this ticked off.

Amy: I like It. Move out everyone!

Everyone went into the village and announced the upcoming event, Tails was in charge of finding out what Eggman's invention was gonna do, and Stix was looking in the forrest for what caves or underground places the citizens can evacuate to. The rest was preparing, I never thought I'd see the day were everyone was actually taking things seriously! It's amazing, but unsettling too knowing that this day really would come.

Aw shucks! It's the end of Chapter 1 already? well don't worry folks, I'm sure more exciting stuff are cooking in the kitchen and about to burst out, just you wait!

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