🍋: One Girl, Two Guys- Gojo + Geto

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The boys have invited you and some others to go drinking tonight and you happily accept their invitation. Everyone has been busy with work and I haven't seen the boys and Shoto in such a long time.

To everyone's surprise Nanami joined us during this outing so of course we had to go all out tonight. We went to a well-known Korean BBQ place in the city and ordered a bunch of meats and drinks. They even put on a show for one of the drinks and all of the tricks they pulls out was amazing. The meats were super tender and just melted on my tongue and having some bottles of soju with it just hits different.

The boys can't really hold their liquor like Shoko and I and we make fun of them for already getting tipsy off of half a bottle of Soju. Shoko and I could drink six or seven bottles each before getting drunk. The boys already look dazed and they stopped touching their drinks. Nanami ordered a water and Shoko and I booed him when the server placed it down on the table.

"You can't be serious Nanami, already ordering water?"- Y/N

"We've only just begun." - Shoko

"Calm down alright. I'm not an alcoholic like you two." Nanami says while taking a huge gulp of water. "We also have work tomorrow so you two shouldn't get too drunk either." He states, just like a dad.

"Let loose Nanami, we haven't had a day off in forever. Let's not make the night sour." Gojo says, he might be a light weight but he is a party animal. I look over at Geto and he seems slumped from the liquor already.

"After this let's go do something fun." Gojo suggests and Nanami looks in disgust.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I don't think anything he is going to suggest is going to be fun."- Nanami


"God, I'm so full from the food." I say placing a hand on my stomach and Shoko places her hand on my stomach too.

"Jeez, how many months are you." She says jokingly and I slap her hand off of me and we both drunk Lu laugh at each other. We all left the restaurant a while ago and walked to a karaoke bar and I didn't know what to expect but the boys can really sing. I sobered up a bit from how amazed and astonished their voices are.

They decided to sing some old classics; Michel Buble, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, and Shoko and I sit there clapping along sometimes we add in some alibis here and there. I never wathung Gojo, Geto, and Nanami singing songs for the rest of the day was going to be the highlight of my night. Once we were getting too wild the karaoke owner had to kick us out plus they were about to close the store too.

We decided to take the train home since we didn't live that far and taking taxis back were just too expensive in the city. Geto, Gojo and I get off at the same stop and we waved goodbye to Nanami and Shoko as we exited our stop. Geto and Gojo were following me home and I'm assuming it was for my safety but also had a slight hint that they were just following to follow.

We end up at my house pretty quickly and they follow me in. I was not in the right mind to tell them to leave plus I didn't realize they didn't live here, everyone's always over each others places it's just normal.

"I'm going to go take a shower. You guys help yourself." I said taking off my shoes and lazily placing them at the front door. I slide on the home shoes, grab a bottoms of water from the fridge, and chug some down before entering my room. I hear the boys giggling to themselves and taking some water and snacks too.


I'm fresh out of the shower and I'm in my new set of pajamas, I washed my hair too and I still have the towel with me, wrapped around my neck as I leave the room to see what Geto and Gojo were doing. They were in the living room watching TV and I didn't really pay attention to what was on the screen and walked myself to the kitchen.

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