🦢🍋: Consume Me- Gojo Satoru

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"Are you lost, little lamb?" You hear a soft, yet deep voice ask you.

You turn around to try and see where the voice came from but you're only able to see a figure of a silhouette in the dark. The man is tall and his body looks slim in the dark. You squint your eyes to try and get a better look through the faint moonlight shinning through the stain glass windows.

"Who are you? What is your name?" You yell out, alarmed by the echo that follows.  The man doesn't respond back, instead, he begins to take strides toward your direction.

You look around you, behind you, but you're already enclosed in. There is a door behind you, the one that you came in from, but is now locked. Your back is pressed against the door, hands on the knobs, frantically trying to giggle it open but you're unsuccessful.

"Don't be afraid, darling." The man tells you but it does nothing to clam you down.

"Stay back." You warned him and he chuckles at your words.

"I won't bite." He tells you, and now you're able to see a bit more of his face. He has pale skin, blue eyes, light hair, silver but not gray, his skin is soft, no pumps, no marks and it looks as though he's glistening from the moonlight shinning in.

"Who are you?" You asked again, a bit softer this; almost in a whispered tone.

"I'm Satoru Gojo, and does this gorgeous girl have a name?" He asked you, taking your right hand in his, placing it up towards his lips, for a kiss on your hand.

"My names, Y/N." You tell him, quietly, as if you were trying to not let him know. The soft gesture makes you shy and you try to tug your hand away from Gojo's hand but your body doesn't listen to your brain.

"What a beautiful name." He tells you. Gojo releases his hand from yours and you tuck them behind your back.

"How did you get in here?" He asked you as his eyes beamed into your soul. It doesn't frighten you but you don't feel a sense of calm from it either. You're reluctant to tell him the truth, he may think you're crazy once you do.

"There's no need to be so frightened, little one." The man purrs at you, in a low voice, and it sends shivers a throughout your body. A sense of calm washes over you and your heart tells you to have trust in this man but your head is opposing these feelings.

"You promise me you won't laugh if I tell you the truth?" You humbly asked the man, he giggles at your request before giving you his answer.

"Why would I laugh?" He asks and you take in a deep breath before getting into your story; of how you wandered into the forest, following a gleam of light that lead you into the castle.

"What did the light look like?" He asked seriously, which took you by surprise.

"It.. it looked similar to a firefly, but bigger and more airy." You told Gojo who had a confused, thinking, look on his face.

"Interesting." He says, a hand placed on his chin as he looks down near the floor; thinking of something.

"Where are you from?" Gojo asks a couple seconds later.

"I'm from Aidenville, down past the Central Kingdoms." You tell him and his eyes widen.

"Would you mind coming with me? You must be very uncomfortable standing near the entrance after walking so far." He asks you as he places out his hand for you to take it, and you reluctantly do.

You follow Gojo reluctantly, as he leads you around the castle. You eyes wander all over the rooms, noticing all of the spectacular details embroidered all over the architecture. With the pace the two of you are walking with you're unable to take everything in and appreciate the art.

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