chapter 5

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Willow's pov

I groaned before opening my eyes, feeling warmth I looked around to see where I was I'm... back at their house? I feel someone shift below me and I widen my eyes to see Mr Russo under me. I quickly stand up and move away from him, although because I stood up so fast I got dizzy and fell while standing up.

I could see that Mr Russo was waking and and wanted to leave before he did. "what are you doing?" I heard Mr Bianchi call behind me. When did he get here? I turn around slowly to see him looking at me with his arms crossed and one eyebrow up. Lord help me

"Your meant to be resting why are you up" He started walking towards me and I started walked backwards, he smirked as I did that "I-uhm I didn't want to be a bother so I was going to leave" I said quietly not looking at him in the eyes.

"you wouldn't be a bother sweetheart. We both want you here don't listen to what Alessandro says, he's a grump who hates everyone." I nodded my head feeling embarrassed that i'm even here.

"Do you want breakfast? I know it's only 6 am but I was going to make some for me if you want some too?" I shook my head not wanting to talk and just to leave and go home.

I remembered about my mum and quickly checked my phone that was almost dead to see if she messaged.

Mum- hey darling, dad and I have talked and since your turning 18 in 2 months we've decided that it would be best for you to find a place to live... other than at home with us. I'm so sorry honey but it's for the best. you know how dad gets when he doesn't always get his way. I love you

I look at the message in disbelief. where am I meant to stay now? I slowly go into the kitchen to find Mr Bianchi. once I see him I slowly go up to him and tap on his arm.

"You okay honey?" he says once he looks down and see's it is me.

"I've gotta go home, thanks for having me sir." he smiled softly at me

"did you want me to drive you home? I should drive you home" Shit. what do I say now "Oh don't worry it's fine mum will probably pick me up form wherever anyways" he looked skeptical

"I'm gonna drive you home, no discussions" I sighed and nodded

We stood up saying goodbye to Mr Russo before heading to his car. He opened the door for me before closing it and walking to the drivers side.

"Where do you live? I need to put the address in before we leave" Mr Bianchi asked while touching the tablet connected to the car. "Um- uh I live at random address so just drop me off like a street before and I'll walk the rest" I said hoping he believes my bluff " I'd prefer to drop you off at your door but if that's what you want I can do that" I just nodded silently and looked out the window

Mr Bianchi turned on the radio quietly while driving tapping the wheel to whatever song was playing. Before I knew it we were a street away from my house. "Just let me off here please" I said looking over at him "are you sure you don't want me to drop you off at your front door?" He asked beginning to pull over. "i'm okay thank you though, thank you for driving me i'll see you at school" he waved when i got out.

I started walking to the direction of my house hoping to get my stuff before they throw it all out. I make my way to the door and knock. "What the hell do you want" my dad screamed after opening the door, "I need some things before I leave." I say trying not to act scared. "Right, you have five minutes to pack before you need to leave" he says before leaving to the living room. I run to my room and grab a big bag before throwing some of my clothes, my jewellery, my toothbrush and toothpaste and other things before leaving.

As I walk out the door I open my phong to call Luca.
Ring ring
"Girl wtf do you want" Luca says as soon as he answers
"Babes I literally just got kicked out can you pick me up from like a street from my house and take me to your house" I say afterwards
"Um you WHAT but yes um I'll pick you up now, can you come to school today?" He says frantically, probably getting dressed
"I can't come in today I feel so sick but can you do me a favour?"
"You know I always can"
"Great so Mr Russo gives me tutoring every second day which is today, can you tell him to pick me up from your house??"
"Ofc ofc Okok I'm out the door I'll be there in a sec"
"Okay bye girl"

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