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It's the next day. Yesterday was pretty hectic since I had an anxiety attack at the Hawkeye premier after I made eye contact with the most beautiful woman ever. I mean she practically smiled at me. I think people would kill to see her smile at them.

Anyway, I'm now getting ready to go on my morning walk with Nala. Also, I wanted to stop by my favorite bookstore to pick up a new book and maybe buy other books. You never know. Anyway, this is my outfit I think it's pretty cute.

 Anyway, this is my outfit I think it's pretty cute

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Except now that I think about it. I'm gonna swap my purse with a linen bag so I can put my books in it. Lexi isn't home again cause she went to see her boyfriend again. I mean I'm happy for her so.

When I'm all ready I put a harness on Nala and grab her leash and she immediately gets excited knowing we're going for a walk.

I'm now sitting at a little table outside while reading my book waiting for my coffee. Nala is very calm and is just taking a little nap like every other day. After a few minutes, a waiter brings my coffee over so I thank them and take a sip.

I'm almost through both my coffee and book when I hear a soft and gentle voice. I recognize the voice from somewhere. And when I look up I see a woman with a black cap and some sunglasses and a beautiful figure. And she has brown long wavy hair that looks soft.

"Shit, you don't know who I am do you?" She asks. "I'm trying to figure it out just give me a minute". I say looking real careful trying to figure out where I've seen her before. "Could you say something again?" I ask, maybe it will help me hear if I hear her voice.

"You beautiful" she whispers a bit which makes me blush a bit but then it hits me. It's the woman who helped me with an anxiety attack yesterday in the bathroom of the Hawekeye Premier. "Omg, I thought I was never gonna see you again. I'm really sorry again that I bothered you with my problem yesterday"

"Oh no don't apologize, please. I kinda of liked the hug... That's what you meant right?" She asks starting to panic a bit." Yeah yeah, that's what I meant. Wanna join me?" I ask gesturing to the chair in front of me while giving her a small smile.

"Sure. I have time for you." She says taking a seat. And I don't know why but her lips look really soft and kissable. I mean it's also the only thing I can really see of her face. Since her eyes are covered by the sunglasses and the cap is blocking a bit of her face. Suddenly Nala wakes up and sees the woman and goes over. The woman doesn't hesitate to pet her which Nala is enjoying a lot.

"Omg hi cutie. What's your name?" The woman asks Nala. "Her name is Nala" "A beautiful name for a beautiful dog. You so sweet," she says to Nala. "What's your name btw?" I ask and her smile immediately drops for some reason and it gets a bit quiet. "Kate. My name is Kate." She says

"Kate, nice name. So do you like archery?" I ask jokingly and she immediately gets it." Oh is this because I was at the Hawkeye premier and the main character's name is Kate?" She asks making me laugh a bit." Sorry, I couldn't help myself" I say laughing a bit and she just starts to smile at me.

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