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As I'm sitting at the table eating my breakfast I can't help but think about what I said last night. I look up at Hailee who's sitting across from me. I wonder what she's thinking. Did I mess up again?

"Hailee about last night-..." I say looking at her but she interrupts me by saying "No need to apologize. I understand your need to take things slow. I'm here for whatever pace you're comfortable with."

"It's not that I don't want to, Hailee. It's just... complicated." I say letting out a soft sigh as she just gives me a soft and heartwarming smile "Don't worry about it" she whispers gently grabbing my hand on the table and brushing her thumb over the back of my hand

"We'll go at your pace, no need to rush things alright?" She asks as I gently nod. It gets quiet again, I don't really know what to say. I really wanna take the next step, but I just don't want her to leave me like she did. I'm not ready to lose her again. But the way she makes me feel...

She was right last night. I get nervous when she's around me, I start to blush when she calls me beautiful. She has this effect on me that nobody has ever had on me and it's special and I like it.

"I wanted to explore the city and show you around. But I think you might like to stay in the house." She whispers breaking the silence "Yeah I'd like that." "Remember how I told you we'd go for a swim in my pool?" "Yeah?" I ask knowing where this is going

"Well today it's pretty warm, so I was thinking we might go for a swim today since it'll get a bit colder the rest of the week. But only if you want to. I don't wanna force you." "No, I'd actually like that," I say with a smile

"It's just, that I didn't bring my swimwear with me 'cause I didn't know you had a pool," I say which makes her laugh a bit "Don't worry you can borrow something from me." She says as we just smile at each other forgetting about our conversation yesterday night.


It's now about 7 pm, yeah we kinda lost track of time. I had just been reading all day while she did, I didn't know what. "You still wanna go for that swim? It might be a little colder but I'll help you stay warm." She says which makes me chuckle a bit while shaking my head

"Yeah, why not," I say getting up and following her upstairs into her massive walk-in closet. "So do you prefer a certain color?" She asks looking up at me as she's going through a drawer filled with swimwear "Not really no." "Here catch," she says throwing something at me. I quickly catch it and then hold it out in front of me and it's a dark blue bikini, nothing special but I like it.

I head back towards the guest bedroom before changing. When I'm done I head downstairs. "Hailee?" I ask looking around but I don't see her anywhere. "You want something to drink?" I suddenly hear which makes me jumpscares a bit

"Yeez Hailee, don't scare me like that." I say which makes her just laugh "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you. So wanna drink something while in the pool or not?" She asks and then I see it. She's wearing this red bikini, and god she's perfect. Her body is beautiful, and she looks so good in the color red. She even has abs, like girl how much hotter can you get?

"You alright there love? You like to stare don't you?" I hear her chuckle which pulls me back from my thoughts "Right sorry" I say a bit embarrassed

"So wanna drink something or not?" "Sure yeah" "How does wine sound? I still have a bottle I got from someone and I don't wanna open it on my own" "Only if you want to." I say walking over as she opens the bottle I grab two wine glasses before heading outside. And it's a little chilly but I'll survive I think.

A few drinks later and let's just say, this night is perfect. Swimming under the stars with some red wine. What can you wish more for I mean... I know what I'd wish for right now.

"You know I never thought her I'd say this, but you're quite fun and open when you're tipsy." She says which makes me laugh "Girl I'm not tipsy I think you are." "Whatever you say love" "why do you keep calling me love?" "Cause it suits you, I don't really know. If you don't like it just tell me." She says "No keep calling me it, I like the name" I whisper going over and wrapping my arms around her neck as I'm getting a little cold

"You wanna get out?" She whispers to me as she puts her hands around my waist. "No, not yet. I whisper just holding onto her and letting my head rest on her shoulder

"Hailee?" "Yes love?" "Why me?" I ask pulling away just a little so I can look at her face

"What do you mean?" "Why me? Why am I here? Why do you put all this effort into me trying not to lose me? I'm just this random girl you met in the bathroom of the Hawekeye Premier while I was having an anxiety attack." I say which makes her laugh a bit

"If you put it like that, it does sound a little weird. But how I see it, I tell myself we met at the premier where I got introduced to your warm and soft hugs and your beautiful voice. When I met you again the next day, I saw the happy side of you and I got to know you" she says taking a little break

"When I left you, I felt something. I felt like I betrayed you and myself. I realized that I needed you in my life. When I came back I saw the vulnerable side of you, and now. Now I'm getting to know the real you again after those years. So to answer your question why you?"

"Because you mean more than you think to me." She whispers "Do you mean it?" I ask and she gently nods "Hailee, I don't wanna lose you again." "You won't, you'll never lose me again." "Promise?" I ask holding out my pinky which makes her smile before wrapping her pinky around mine

"Pinky promise." She whispers and before she can say or do anything else, I gently lean in until our lips connect. I can already feel her smiling even though she's trying to hide it. And feeling her smile makes me smile a bit too.

After a few seconds, I feel her gently starting to kiss me back. And I didn't know I missed her lips this much, but I did. This is heaven... she should warn people about being this good and tasting like heaven. This should be illegal... but it isn't and I'm glad it isn't.

After about a minute I gently pull away. I can't look at her right now, cause I know that I'm burning red and that's just embarrassing, but the way she makes me feel... I immediately wrap my arms around her neck again and buddy my face into her neck.

"You're so cute." She whispers in my ear which makes me smile even more. This girl really has me feeling things. I just hope I won't lose her again...

An: Thank you all for staying along the ride. I hope you enjoyed it so far. And thank you for the patience. xxx

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