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I lean in more and then... ring, ring, ring. Seriously? Who is calling me right now? I think to myself. I turn my head and grab my phone

"I'm sorry," I say to Hailee who just nods but by the look on her face, I could tell she isn't very happy. Then I pick up my phone since it's my mom

"Hey, Mom," I say while looking into Hailee's eyes. "Hey sweet how are you doing?" "I'm alright what about you? Is everything alright?" I ask getting up and starting to walk a bit around my room. "Oh yeah I'm perfectly fine don't worry. I was just curious how you're doing since I haven't spoken to you in a while."

"Oh, okay yeah sorry I've been pretty busy," I say. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, I'll let you go cause you have to be at work soon. Have fun oke. Love you." "Oke bye love you," I say before hanging up. Shit, I forgot I still have to work today. I immediately text my boss that I'm very sick and won't be able to make it.

I know laying is bad but I really don't feel like going. Plus Hailee is here the Hailee Steinfeld as Lexi would say. I mean you can't just kick out a celebrity, right? I have an excuse. So if anyone asks there's just a celebrity at my house, they'll understand... at least I hope so.

Anyway, when I send the text I close my phone and look back at Hailee who's laying in my bed while staring at me with a smile. It's quiet for a second. Not the awkward kind of silence it's the pleasant kind of silence. It doesn't last long before she speaks.

"Come with me to LA." She says wait did I just hear that right? Did she just ask me to come with her to LA? "What?" I ask wanting to be sure that I heard it right and that I'm not making it up. "I said come with me to LA Yn." She says and her smile turns into a serious look

"Oh, you're being serious." "I am just come with me. Pleas." She says "Hailee I can't just leave, I have to work. I can't just take a vacation I'm not as rich as you. I have bills to pay I need to feed my dog should I keep going?" I say rambling off. "So? I'll pay you." She says and I chuckle a bit

"No Hailee I'm not letting you pay me to come with you to LA. To do what exactly?" I ask "to spend time with me." "Hailee I can't just take a vacation." I say "Why not? If you're gonna say because of your boss, don't. I can fix that. If you need money to pay bills and stuff I'll give you the money. I've got everything covered. And I only want one thing for it in return and that is for you to come with me home to LA" she says suddenly my bedroom door behind me flies open

I look over my shoulder and see Lexi standing in my doorway. "I don't wanna be your noisy roomie and stuff but girl take the offer or I will." She says and before I can even speak she starts to talk again. "Yn she's literally paying you to take a vacation and you're gonna refuse it? Are you mentally sick or what?" She says which makes me chuckle a bit

"She's right I'm paying you to go on a vacation. Nothing more." She says I take a deep breath and look down before saying "For how long?"

"A week that's it and if you want I can fly you home immediately after the week ends. I'll pay for everything I promise you don't have anything to worry about." She says and I don't know what I'm doing when I say "fine"

And the moment the word left my mouth I instantly regretted it. Lexi immediately begins to jump and hug me tight before realizing it that she's hugging me. She immediately lets go but she's still super excited. I smile a bit seeing how happy she can get over this kind of things.

"Oke so when do we leave? And who's taking care of  Nala?" I ask them "We're leaving tonight." Hailee says which makes my eyes widen "And I'll take care of Nala don't worry bout it I've got you, just have fun." Lexi says and I just shake my head

"Please remind me why I said yes to this again?" I ask. "Cause the one and only Hailee Steinfeld aka the love of your life is paying you to go on a vacation with her," Lexi says shit she did not just say that. "Wait am I the love of your life now huh?" Hailee says with a smirk on her face

"No your not... well. No no, you're not you fucking left me without explanation so no you're not the love of my life you never were. And Lexi keep your mouth shut next time." I say "Damn that hurts." Hailee says grabbing her chest and pretending that she's dying which makes all of us laugh.

"Oke this is all fun and stuff but you should start packing." Lexi says "Right packing... how fun." I say sarcastically "Hey come on you get to pack to go on a vacation with the love of your life what's bad about that?" Hailee says

"Hailee I swear. You're not the love of my life don't say that again or I'll stay here." I say and then Lexi and Hailee just laugh. "Lexi this is your fault oke. So stop laughing you caused this." I say while grabbing my suitcase and putting it on my bed.

While I'm packing Lexi is just talking with Hailee in my bed having a good time while I'm doing the packing which I hate. "Look I love y'all but why is nobody helping me?" I ask looking up

"You love us?" Lexi asks teasingly "No not anymore unless you come and help me." I say "You love me?" Hailee asks and I let out a big sigh before saying "Girl no I don't love you I don't love either of you at the moment and I never will unless you help me for god's sake." I say a bit annoyed and they just laugh before Lexi gets up and comes and helps me.

When we're done I put my suitcase on the side and Lexi immediately gets back in bed next to Hailee. "Oke so do you love me again?" Lexi says and I nod "Not you though Hailee I hate you right now." I say

"I don't need your love baby. Cause I already know you love me without you knowing it yourself." She says "Well you're full of yourself aren't you?" I ask

"Maybe a little, but I know you like that." she says with a wink "I don't actually I actually hate it when people are full of themselves." I say "Oke but I'm not a person I'm the love of your life Yn, soooo." She says which makes me smile a bit while I shake my head.

"Oke that's enough Steinfeld, calm down now," I say and we all laugh a bit.


It's now about 9 pm when I'm about to leave for my 'paid' vacation with Hailee. Hailee already left a while ago cause she had to pack too. We're meeting each other at the airport so she isn't here right now.

"I'm gonna miss you. Please don't die oke." Lexi says which makes me laugh before we hug. "I'm gonna miss you too. And I'll try my best not to die for you." I say and then we let go and she just looks at me with a smile.

"Have fun oke. I mean it. You deserve this." She says and I just nod "Oh and also have fun with the love of your like oke." She says with a wink "Lexi no!" "What I didn't mean it like that. But I mean I'm not stopping you." She says. "Oke that's enough I'm leaving now," I say

"Oke bye. Have fun." She says "Thanks, you too. Oh and don't let Nala die or I'll kill you oke." I say to her and she smiles while giving me a nod.

"Come on go now before you miss your flight." She says "Right yeah. Bye. Love you." I say before grabbing my suitcase and leaving. When I'm downstairs my taxi is already waiting for me so I get in and give the address before he starts to ride.

When he drives away I just look one more time back before letting out a sigh and relaxing. This is going to be a looong but fun week I hope. And with looong I don't mean that I don't wanna spend time with Hailee it's just I'm gonna miss my home and all that stuff. I mean I'm flying all the way to LA which is pretty far so. I should probably try and get some sleep now cause I can't always sleep on planes. Since flying isn't one of my favorite things to do but hey I'll survive, right?

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