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"Y/N!" A single loud voice was heard in the house. Y/N rushed out of bed, jumping to his feet. It was early morning, evident by the sunrise. Looking out of his window, he saw a bright wash of orange sweeping his seaside view.

"Y/N, get your lazy ass out of bed! Breakfast!" Another shout pierced the house. Y/N groaned before changing out of his pajamas. Once dressed, he left his room, walking downstairs to a vast living room. Continuing into the kitchen, he saw his dad standing over the stove with a frying pan in hand.

"Pancakes," his dad gestured to a small plate filled with pancakes and syrup.

"Thank you. How long have you been up?" Y/N asked. He took a seat at the table, digging into the pancakes.

"Not long, about 30 minutes. Now eat up. Don't want you to be late for school again, do we?" His dad chuckled before turning off the stove and placing down a plate of pancakes for himself.

"It was one time. I'm hardly making it a habit," Y/N replied. He had half-finished his pancakes in quick succession.

"It's the second day of the term. It's one out of one so far," his dad replied, looking at Y/N seriously. Once they had finished eating, Y/N ran off to get ready for school, returning about 30 minutes later.

"You know it's not my fault I don't like school," Y/N replied, throwing a bag over his shoulder.

"Whose fault is it then?" His dad replied from the kitchen.

"Yours! You sent me to practically an all-girls school. There are like 3 boys who actually talk to me, and each of them is perverted as hell," Y/N replied. He was standing by the door of the house, waiting for his father.

"Well, talk to some girls. That's how your mother and I met. God rest her soul," his dad replied as he walked out of the kitchen.

"You said you and mum met when you saved her from a speeding vehicle," Y/N replied, thinking he had caught his dad in a lie.

"Well yes, that bonded the two of us. Any experience like that creates a special bond between two people. However, we didn't start dating straight away. It took a while," his dad replied, throwing a coat onto his back. "Come on then, kiddo. Let's get you into school."

Once Y/N got to school, he saw Issei, Motohama, and Matsuda up on the hill near the tennis court, likely looking at the girls. They all got up and began walking towards the women's changing rooms. Y/N followed but was stopped. He looked to see a small white-haired girl at a table by herself. She looked beautiful. He thought he was about to walk to speak to her before he heard an ear-piercing scream. Running over, he spotted Issei being beaten with bamboo sticks. He laughed to himself before turning around to see the white-haired girl, but she had disappeared. Instead, in front of him stood a small girl with cat ears.

"Hello, mister! Take one of these," she said as she passed him a small sheet of paper.

"Thanks, I guess," he replied, putting it into his pocket before walking off.

Inside The Orc

"That kid just now..." a girl with long red hair asked.

"Sorry?" the girl opposite responded.

"I mean the kid in the middle," the red-haired girl replied.

"He's in class 2-B. Issei Hyoudou, I believe," the other girl answered.

"And the one who was watching Koneko?" the red-haired woman inquired.

"Y/N L/N, also from class 2-B. He is quite a favorite of many girls in the school," she replied.

"Very well, Akeno. Checkmate."

Y/N began his walk home; his day turned out rather uneventful. He looked for the white-haired girl again but couldn't find her. It wasn't like he didn't have options in terms of women at school. Many of them seemed to be interested in him. Yet he found it more of a hindrance than constant attention. It wasn't that he was super good-looking either. It's just at Kouh High, if you aren't perverted, you're likely to get girls due to the laws of supply and demand. Y/N had been walking for about 10 minutes when he spotted them. Issei and another girl stood opposite him. She seemed to hug him before leaving and walking towards him. Once she reached in front of him, she began to speak.

"Meh, I'm already playing the long game with one," she whispered before looking at him and smiling, "So I guess I can kill you now."

Y/N watched as a spear came flying at him. It pierced his chest, leaving him impaled. He slowly fell to the ground as she ripped the spear from his chest.

"Enjoy your slow death," she whispered in his ear before flying away.

This was how Y/N would die – on a Tuesday afternoon in the middle of town, on the cold, unforgiving pavement. He didn't even get to introduce himself to that cute girl. The girl with hair as white as snow. She was so beautiful. Why was Y/N thinking this now? Slowly, out of his view, a dark red ring appeared, and out stepped the white-haired girl and another girl with long crimson hair beside her. Koneko quickly rushed to his side, looking down at him.

"He's going to die. Is there anything we can do?" She panicked.

"I'm sorry. I cannot intervene just for the sake of it," she replied, looking down at the injured boy. Y/N reached for the hand of the girl next to him. He grasped her hand shakily.

"C... Chosen," he whispered before passing out.

Y/N awoke the next morning in an unfamiliar bed. His stomach felt heavy, and he could feel small movements on his chest. Pulling the blanket up, he saw the white-haired girl fast asleep on his stomach. His mind started to race. Why was he here? Why was she here? Just as he began to relax a bit, he looked to his left and saw another girl. This one had long red hair. But most of all, she was... NAKED?!?!

"Morning, sleepy," she whispered, staring at him.

"What's going on?" He whispered back. He felt the weight on his chest begin to move and stir.

"You see, you were stabbed last night, and this was the only way to make sure you healed up. And she," she gestured to the sleeping lump on his chest, "has taken quite a liking to you. Well, after I explained your powers to her."

"My powers?" Y/N seemed confused.

"Oh... You poor dear. You don't even know. You're a Guardian. When you turn 16, your brain finds a mate of sorts. When said mate is put into danger, you grow in power exponentially," she explained. "And if what Koneko told me last night is true... It seems your mind chose her."

"But why?" He responded, taking in all the information.

"Well, a guardian becomes 'Bonded' with a person through many ways. It could be a first kiss or an admission of love. Or, in your case, when your life is saved. Your mind decided that Koneko saved your life, and now you are 'bonded' to her," she responds. Y/N takes a moment to himself, looking down at the girl asleep on his chest. He slowly begins to pat the top of her head. She raises her head to look at him.

"Hello," she simply says.

"Hello. I take it your name is Koneko," she nods, "I'm Y/N."

"I know. I looked into your past a bit after what happened," she says, smiling up at him. She jumps off of him. "Don't think this is a normal thing. I just wanted to help you get well. You are the other rook, after all."

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