CH 23

527 9 2


Its been a week since the whole paige, thing I've been kinda sad and I have decided that I should move on.

Carmella: hey girl what you doing.

Me: nothing hella board.

Sasha: we should do something tonight

Me: ya we should. What do you have in mind to do

Carmella: let's go round up some friends and have a party in our room

Me/Sasha: alright let's do it

                  AT THE PARTY

We were all having fun getting drunk playing 2k just having a great time.

Enzo: let's play spin the bottle.

Everyone: OK

In the end I ended up kissing Blake,sami, and the other JO-JO

That night totally got my mind off of paige and Dean and I was happy to share it with my friend's.

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