Summer and Ranee Problems

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It's been about a month and a half since Roman herd from jojo. Dean seemed to be very bugged about it more than friendly wise.

The Shield left for their match when the door opened it was my new bff ranee

Me: hey nee

Ranee: sup the guys still bumped about that slut jojo

You can probably figure out that me and ranee don't like her

Me: yeah and it's tearing me and Dean apart

Just then the door opened and the slut her self walked in

She hugged me but I didn't hug her back

Jojo: so nice to see you again summer

and you to ranee

I got mad at the fact she slept with my boyfriend and just attack her and ranee joined in we thought her into the lockers and keep punching and kicking her and hit her with a char a few time on till the bellas pulled us away from her and out the room

We walked in the locker room to see it trashed and jojo looked beaten up and we all ran to her and got her awake

Roman: what happened baby girl

Jojo: I was attacked by Sumner and ranee

We all looked at her like she was stupid

Me: what do you mean that attacked you that would never do that

Roman and Seth nodded in agreement

Me: so you think u did this to myself

Roman: that's not what we you could just be imaging thing after you got hurt

Seth: what and how did you get here

Jojo stud up and said

Jojo: I just came to tell my dad I had an important event on Thursday and wanted him to come. But since I'm a lying and is imaging thing you just may not believe me

She LEFT after that

Ten minutes later the bellas and a doctor came in

Nikki: where did jojo go

Seth: she left why

Brie: she needed to be checked after the attack summer and ranee gave her

Me: you guys believe that did that to jojo

Nikki: yea we saw it with are own eyes and pulled them off of her

We all felt bad about what just happened with jojo and we're wondering what she had planned for Thursday

We were leaving the arena when Stephanie McMahon walked up to us all smiling

Stephanie: Roman tell jojo I said congratulations and you boys will have a job at nxt

Roman: why would you tell jojo congratulations

Stephanie looked like she just shared the biggest secret in the world

Stephanie: never mind just be at nxt for you match or promo

Then she left u there just so dumbfounded what is jojos secret I thought to my self

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