Meeting The Shield

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I was at my house packing to go on the rode with my dad. There was a knock on the door and in came my friend Diana and boyfriend Jacob.

"Baby do you have to go." Jacob said

"yes. I'm sorry " I said (the shield us listening to the talk) "Don't be sorry we get it" Diana said "do I at least get a goodbye gift if you know what I mean" Jacob said. I blushed and my dad walk in with Seth and Dean behind him and said " what do u mean?" "" Jacob gets scared and starts stuttering. " He meant a good by kiss daddy" I answer nervously. Romen just glared at him. I break the silent by sayin " baby u real don't have to try the long distance relationship because it's going to be hard" " but I want to your just that much more special to me I love you" Jacob says. Roman gets very angry. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU LOVE HER" Roman yells. "dad he loves me and I love him u should be happy I have someone" I tell my dad. "you have me the Dwayne Johnson Jimmy and Jay tamina and Dean and Seth" "ya but he isn't in the wwe and he means a lot to me" He and his friends stormed out of the room and go to the gym.  when that leave five minutes later Diana leave to give me and Jacob privacy. " I love that you took my side and not your dad's" "sure thing baby" then I kissed him. I pulled back but he pulled me in for another kiss which turns into a make out session and cloths begin to fly every where and one thing leads to another and we'll u can gusset what happened next. " u are all ways amazing in bed baby" he says " thanks baby you to" after a while he leaves just as you dad walks in "Jojo why dose your room smell like that" " umm we were chasing each other and we started to sweat" he believes me and tells me to cook dinner. I cooked steak and some veggies and made three protein shakes for the guys and that sit at the table." thank you" the shield said at the same time. "No problem" I was walking to my room but my dad stopped me "where you going baby girl" he asked "to my room daddy I'm tired" I say "no deans going to sleep there and Seth is going to sleep in the gets room" "where about me where am I going to sleep" "in my room" "and you daddy" " in my room to"  Dean give him a weird look but I shook it off "okay" then I went up stairs to finish packing so Dean can have the room. I finished and went to to bed two hours later Dean and Seth went to sleep then my dad came to bed. I was laying on my side when my dad came and cuddled with me. After a while his hands start to wonder to my butt and between my legs. I sleep while he turned me over and got on top of my and started to kiss my neck and started to Mack me moan then I woke up and asked him "daddy what are you doing he haven't Done this in two years" he answered"well baby girl I need you scents your mom is gone and I don't want another girl only you" he left my shirt above my head then started to unhook my bar and started massaging my book and sucking my nipples "yes daddy" I whispered so Dean and Seth could not here what we where doing. I took off his shirt and started to rub all over his abs. then I flipped us over so I was on top and started taking off his pants and boxers and started sucking his cock. "l bet you don't give your little boyfriend a blow job as good as me" He said running his fingers through my hair. he then pulled me up and took off my shorts and panties and started to eat me out. "Yes daddy i love your mouth" I whispered yelled. "keep quiet don't want Dean of Seth to find out baby girl" he then rubbed is cock along my pussy. "your so wet baby girl" he trusted into me. This went on for thirty more minutes. Then we went to sleep. The next morning I woke up fully clothed and my dad wasn't in bed. I got up and changed into Jean booty shorts and a dolph ziggler crop top and black and blue Jordan's curled my hair that is blonde and blue and blue eyeshadow. The I go down stirs to she my dad, Dean, and Seth. "why don't you have a shield t-shirt on?" my dad asked "because Dolph Ziggler is hot and a champion" I said back the boys give me a look and I shrugged my shoulders . " I'm going to Jacob dad see you later" "wait why are you going over there " " I mean he is my boyfriend dad" I left before he had time to reply. you can guess what we did for an hour. After I went back home and it was time to go. " were is your little boyfriend don't have the balls to say goodbye" my dad said why the other two laughed. "o we did more then that" I said and rushed to get my bags before he could reply and left him dumbstruck. "What do you mean by that" he asked after I got back down stirs. "nothing much" I side and skipped to the car my dad grabbed my bags. I sat in the back set with Dean. He kept staring at me "hey Dean take a picture it'll last longer" I said he blushed while my dad and Seth laughed. we got on the plane and I can't believe who I got to sit next to. Yes the one the only Dolph Ziggler . " Hi I'm Dolph  Ziggler" he held out his hand and of course I took it and he kissed it "and who are you" he asked me " Jojo Reigns dad Roman Reigns" " you are very beautiful" "thanks that means a lot that you said it" we flirted the whole way to Texas. when swapped phone numbers then I went to my dad who had by bags "what was that with you and the show off" he questioned"nothing give me a piggyback ride to the car " "sorry can't I have to carry your bags and mine now let's go" "I'm not going to move unless someone Carry me" "fine your going to stay here all night" the boys started to walk and saw I wasn't playing "come on Jojo" "carry me" "no" "then I'm not going" "bye" "bye" that real left me so I went with ziggler because he carried me."so do you want to stay with me or to your Dads hotel room" "I'll stay with you". my dad has Ben calling me nonstop

I was at catering with Dolph when my dad came up to us. " WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" he whispered yelled while the other two just smirked ." with Dolph " "WHY" " you left me and he give me a piggyback ride and I sleep at his room" "why didn't u call me or answer my call" "I just thought you didn't care where I was" "why would you think that" "I mean you did leave me" "NO U DIDN'T COME" "why are u yelling its your fault  you left me" "SHIELD LOCKER ROOM NOW" you stand up and kiss Dolphs cheek "see u later zig man" "bye jojo" My dad throw me over his shoulder and walked to the locker room. "What was that all about" I asked "well you like to be carried don't you" the other two laughed "I mean with Ziggler  why you so mad" " did you and him sleep in the same bed" "no I got the bed he slept on the floor why" Dean seemed jealous when ziggler is around I don't know why. " just checking" the shield went out for their match I wondered around back stage till I bumped into someone " hi I'm Randy what's your name" "o hi I'm JoJo Reigns" we shake hand then he asked me to watch his daughter for his match" of course Randy" he leaves and me and his daughter go back to the shield locker room. ten minutes later my dad,Dean and Seth come back " why do you have Randy child" Seth asked " he asked me to watch her so he can go to his match is it over " I asked since there were cartoons on the tv for her. " I don't know" then there was a knock on the door I got up to see it was Randy " DADDDDYYYY" she screamed and ran to him and he picked her up " thanks for watching her" "no prob" he left and the shield started to get dressed. I couldn't help but stare at a shirtless Dean. " take a picture it'll last longer sweetheart" the other two laughed. I stood up and actually took a picture " it a very hot pic Dean" " thank you they don't call me the ti-" "Don't tell her what the sluts call you" my dad interrupted him. " summer Rae told me they call him the titi master" " I don't want you hanging out with summer" " why she seems nice and cool" "ya why can't she be around my girlfriend" Dean asked after me " Dean we all know why except jojo" Seth replayed "want ever" "any ways who else did you Mack friend with baby girl" Roman asked " the BELLA twins, Naomi, John cena, aj lee ,miz, the rides brothers, Natalia, fandango, Randy, and of course ziggler" " you made lots of friends did you see Jimmy and Jay yet" "no dad" "okay let's go back to the hotel" "can I go back with ziggler" " ya but you can't stay at his room" " okay dad" I left to find ziggler when a got a text from Diana my bff and ran around the corner and cryed.

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