Chapter Three

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I woke up and knew it was morning. Despite my lack of sight, I was starting to find that the more I paid attention, the more my other senses seemed to come to my aid. I smelt, heard and felt what I couldn’t see. I heard the birds singing outside and wished I could see the brilliant sunlight that I knew was shining due to the warmth of my skin.

I heard the curtain separating me from my neighboring roommate and turned my head in that direction.

“Good morning, Grace!” Chirped who I recognized was Dr. Hattie.

“Morning, doctor,” I smiled. I felt the familiar dip of my bed as she sat at the end and hummed as she went through my charts.

“You’re looking better, the swelling on your body has gone down dramatically and your bruises are yellowing.” I could sense her smile.

“That’s great,” I replied half-heartedly. I still had no idea where I was going to go after I was released from the hospital.

“There’s a social worker coming to see you later this afternoon,” Dr. Hattie said hesitantly, “…I wish I could take you in myself but unfortunately it isn’t an option for me.”

I smiled, “It’s alright Dr. Hattie, everything will work out.”

I heard the door to the room open and close as Dr. Hattie left. I closed my eyes again, bored out of my mind. Hearing the door open again, I perked up at the thought she had come back to talk for a while.

Unfortunately for me, it was someone for the man on the other side of the curtain. I had asked Hattie about him and she had informed me that he was still in a coma. I felt bad for him and his family. They obviously cared about him a lot; he never went without a visitor for long.

I heard the sound of a boy, and by the sounds of it he was Irish. I frowned when I heard him get into an argument with the woman who had been here since last night.

“But Aunt Kim-“The boy said impatiently.

“No buts, Niall. Your uncle would have my head if he knew I’d let you pay for that.”


I stormed down the hospital hallway towards my uncle’s room. The last time I had visited I suggested I pay for him to move to a private room. My aunt Kimberly had refused without even considering it. I was beyond frustrated- not just because she wouldn’t let me do the only thing I could do to help, but because I was exactly that- completely and utterly helpless. I had never experienced someone close to me being so near to death. I wasn’t going to give up… it was the least I could do for him. The last time we had talked it hadn’t been on good terms.

I managed a small smile at the doctor that looked after my uncle- her name was Dr. Hattie. She had light brown hair cut just above her shoulders and green eyes, she was very kind. I opened the door and went inside. I knew that there was a girl about my age in the same room as my uncle, and was surprised to see that one side of her curtain was pulled back, though not enough to let me see the mystery girl.

“Niall!” My aunt greeted me with a smile. “Come to see your old uncle again have ya?”

I nodded. “Aunt Kim, I still think that-“ I began again only for her to cut me off.

“Niall, I won’t hear of it. The money you make is for you, not for us. That’s what your uncle has always told you. You know he’s a proud man, and you would only bring out the Irish in him if you stepped on his pride.” She said, not for the first time.

“But Aunt Kim-“ I tried again.

“No buts, Niall. Your Uncle would have my head if he knew I’d let you pay for that.” She said sternly.

I sighed; she wasn’t going to budge on this. I plopped down in the chair and watched as my uncle breathed in and out. It had been the only thing that let us know he was still with us. That, and the steady beep of his heart monitor.

The lads had been really supportive through the past couple weeks. We had a couple of performances but my heart just wasn’t in it. I loved my fans, but my family would always come first.

“Has mum called?” I asked Aunt Kim.

She nodded. “She called this morning. She and your father are coming down from Ireland in about two days.”

I was relieved. It would be good to have my parents here to lean on.

“Did the police let you know what happened yet?” I questioned.

My aunt gave a brief nod.

“He was in an accident with a minivan. He went off the side of the road and down a small cliff. It’s a miracle he survived.” She said sadly.

“Why did he crash? Whose fault was it?”

Aunt Kim sighed. “Your Uncle Pete had a heart attack and went into oncoming traffic.”

I paled. The only thing we had known was that he had gone off the road. Police were supposed to talk to witnesses and get back to us as soon as they knew anything.

“What about the car he hit? Are they okay?” I asked worriedly.

She shook her head sadly. I looked at the floor, feeling horrid about the whole ordeal.

Doctor Hattie came inside the room looking upset. She walked past us with a brief nod to the other side to see the girl. Besides her heart monitor, she had always been very quiet. I never once saw someone visiting her. Surely she would like some company, right?

I heard some quiet voices on the other side. I listened closer, curious about her.

“Your Aunt has said she will not be coming to visit you at all. The social worker should be here in about an hour. I’m sorry, Grace.” She said sadly.

I heard a soft sigh. “It’s not your fault, Doctor Hattie. Will I go to a group home or straight into someone else’s house after this?”

She’s an orphan? I thought sadly. I couldn’t imagine being without my brother and parents.

“You will be going into a group home. Hopefully though, my sister will be able to meet you very soon after that.” I heard the hope in Dr. Hattie’s voice.

“Thank you.” The girl, Grace said.



Sorry if you think this is slow. Gotta build up the plot :)



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