Chapter Twenty-Six

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     He drove down my driveway and I sighed, I would have to bring him to the airport and say good bye to him in a few hours. It was truly bittersweet.

I looked down at the ring on my finger and smiled. It had a beautiful light blue gem in the middle and little diamonds on the band. It sparkled just like Niall’s blue eyes.

I had just made a promise I intended to keep forever.



     I had been moping around the house since Niall had left earlier this afternoon. I knew that this would be something we would have to go through sooner or later, because of his career, but I had hoped for more time than we had gotten.

Even so, I was so grateful for him and as long as I got to be with him, I would wait forever.

It was nine o’clock and I had to be at Niall’s around ten to pick him up. I was happy he had asked me to drive him to the airport instead of carpooling with the rest of the guys from Harry’s house. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry had decided to hang out until it was time for them to leave.

I hopped off my bed and started getting ready to go. It only took about fifteen minutes to get from my house to Niall’s and I wanted to see him as soon as possible. When I had put some mascara and a light eye shadow on, I headed downstairs to grab a banana before I left.

Turning the corner, I bumped into Kegan.

It was weird having a guy the same age living in our house, but I was glad Luisana and Michael didn’t mind and let him stay with his mother- our housekeeper, Nora in their suite in the far end of the house.

“Oh hey, long time no see.” I joked, elbowing him in the side playfully.

He stuck his tongue out at me. “The gardener is on holidays so my mom had me pick up the work he normally does. I’ve never been so busy in all my life… you guys have a huge property.” He laughed.

I nodded, “I can imagine that would be a lot of hard work. If you ever want help, let me know. I doubt I’ll have much to do when Niall’s gone. I don’t exactly know many people.” I smiled.

He looked at me thoughtfully. “I’ll consider it. But you’re not allowed around the pool.” He joked, reminding me of the time I nearly drowned in my own backyard.

I rolled my eyes in response and moved past him to grab a fruit from the bowl on the counter. He nodded towards the fruit and I shrugged. “Help yourself, Kegan.” I responded.

“Thanks, I’m starved.” He sighed, grabbing an apple.

“Well, I’ll see you later. I’m off to drop Niall off at the airport.” I waved as I walked out the door.

“Say hi to him for me!” Kegan called, heading towards his room.


When I pulled into the driveway of Niall’s little house I got out and ran to the door.

I knocked and stepped back, waiting for the door to open.

A moment later Niall appeared with a big smile on his face.

“There’s my girl!” He reached for me and I hugged him tightly.

“Hey,” I murmured against his chest. “Ready to go?” I looked up at him questioningly.

He nodded with a small frown. “I am, let me just grab my bags.”

We loaded his bags into the back of the SUV and I climbed back into the driver’s seat.

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