Living With Zayn Malik- Where is she?

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Zayn's P.O.V

After I hurt Heaven and left her crying. I stormed out of the house and sat in my car. I rested my head on the steering wheel as I tried to absorb the fact that I, out of all the people has hurt Heaven. I tried to forget everything I had done and sped off to the beach. I sat there for hours gazing at the sea in my thoughts. The reason I have hurt her is because the management thinks that I, like all the boys needed to be with famous people. They told Niall also but Niall said It didn't matter to them. But it matters to me and what matters more is Heaven. 

"It didn't mean anything." Heaven's words kept on ringing in my head. I finally got up from the beach and went to the club. I got drunk to such an extent that I wasn't in the condition to go back. In that state I called Heaven. It was switched off. I got really worried. What if she has done something stupid? 

I quickly made my way home with thousands of thoughts flooding my mind. I stumbled through the doorway and finally made it to her room. I found that the room was empty and there was nothing there. Heaven's stuff toys and things like that were not there. Not even her laptop, her Ipod. I checked in the driveway, her car wasn't there. I got worried.

I made my way to kitchen and a small piece of paper stuck on the refrigirator caught my attention. I quickly removed it and read it.

It read

Hello People

I am leaving...Please don't send me messages asking why I left.

Just Remember one thing. Wherever I am... I am happy

And with people who care for me.

Love always <3 


I read the note once again, twice, thrice. Where is she? She is happy and with people who care for her. DAMN HEAVEN! That is why she switched off her mobile phone. What do I do? What do I do? 

I decided to call Niall. Racheale picked up the phone. 

"Heaven's missing." I stated.

"Heaven's what? " She exclaimed.

"It's all because of me. I broke up with her because the management told me to and now she left this stupid note saying that she has left and she is happy wherever she is and with people who actually care for her. We should not try contacting her either."

"What the hell! You jerk, assole, son of a-  er whatever. You hurt my best friend and now you get worried about her leaving. Go to hell you Jerk."

"I didn't know she would overreact.' 

"Overreact! Dude seriously Overreact. You know what she would have been suicidal if she would've overreacted." 

"I know but I am worried." 

"Dare you say that. Stay away from my bestfriend and I will find her out. If I find out you are trying to locate her, I will kill you. You are no better than Zoe." 

"What! But I will find her before you return." 

"Dare you!" she said in a high pitched voice. The phone was snatched over by Niall.

"What the hell dude?" he said

"I don't know."

"Look we are coming back, okay. You don't worry. Racheale's just over worked. I will try and calm her down till then you please message her on the social networking.Might be that she will reply."

"Okay!" and then I hung up.

I opened my Facebook and went to Heaven's profile. She had a status update.

Happy to be back with own people. 

I was confused. Was he back home? I called Mr. Parker. After two rings he finally answered the phone.

"Hello Mr. Parker. Zayn this side."

"Oh! Zayn How are you?"

"Well Heaven left for New York without informing."

"She didn't come to New York."

"Then where is she?"

"She is with her brother. In Bradford. His name is Mathew Miller."

"All of a sudden? Brother?" i asked him.

"Yeah.. He finally located her. He is the only person left."

"Oh! Well thank you for your help Mr. Parker. I aprreciate it."

"No problem Zayn."

"Bye Mr.Parker."

"Bye Zayn." And then he hung up.

Finally knowing that Heaven was alright, I went into my room. I texted Niall telling him the whole thing. He said that he will try and locate this Mathew Miller. I was exhausted. So without any efforts I went off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up with the sun hitting on my eyes. I opened one eye and then groaned. I had a severe headache. I made my way to the kitchen and took some medicines. I went back to my room and checked my phone. The adress was there. 
Heaven's adress- Niall had sent me Heaven's adress.

I was overjoyed. I quickly stepped into the shower and quickly got ready. I grabbed some breakfast and made my way to my car. I started the car and sped off. It was a one hour drive and I stopped my car in front of a big house that read Miller's. 

I rung the doorbell. A guy around 23 opened the door.


I updated finally <3..

You guys can hope for another update today :P 

I said only hope.. I am not sure ;) 


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