Living With Zayn Malik- I am going to live with the What!?

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I was awoken by some of the noises. I opened one eye to find two people's back turned towards me. There was a discussion going on about me. 

"She's hot." one of them said 

"Dude!? She is my mother's friend's daughter and my mom is going to kill me if she finds out anything like that." 

"Chill dude! I am not going to do anything to her." 


I cleared my throat. They turned around. I was shocked to Zayn Malik and Niall Horan standing in front of me. I stared at them wide eyed. 

"You are-" 

"Yes We are-." Niall replied while laughing.

I got out of my bed and jumped with excitement.

"OMG! OMG! OMG! You are Niall Horan and You are Zayn Malik. One Direction?"

Both of them nodded their heads in approval.

"I can't believe my eyes." 

"Then don't." Zayn said

"Dude!" He turned to Niall who was talking to me. 

"We don't have time for this shit. We have better things to do." 

I shot him a glare and quicky turned to Niall.

"You better go unless he will kill you." I said while pointing to Zayn

"And you even I don't have time for this shit okay." I made a disgusted face towards Zayn and he looked at me as if I was some retard.

I turned again to Niall.

"It was nice talking to you." I said as I hugged him. He hugged me back to my surprise.

"Are the others also there?"I asked curious 

"Yes they are. But you can meet them later.' Zayn replied

"I am not asking you." I said to him

Actually, If you cross me the wrong way I am a bitch otherwise I am very sweet.

"Whatever." He muttered while pulling Niall out of my room.

I chuckled at my bitchiness.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Who does she think she is? The queen of England? Nobody talks to me like that! I am Zayn Malik. I will show her who she has crossed the wrong way. I am going to show her that she is nothing but a piece of shit. Miss.Whoever you are wait and watch. I am going to make life hell for you.

"Zayn, you were rude." Niall told me 

"Oh god ! Even you are taking her side." 

"I am not taking sides. I am just stating the fact." 

"Do hell with your facts." 

"Fine.But you better need to behave properly with her."Niall argued

I cocked an eyebrow. 

"Niaalll, Are you falling for her?" I asked him shocked

"No,are you mad." he said his face reddening

I somehow was not cool with the fact that Niall and this chick get together. I dont know why? Maybe because her parents have trusted me with her so I shouldn't let any of the guys get into any kind of relationship with her.

But what if Niall was serious!? I don't know what to do. But at the moment I am not letting any of the guy go near her. But Why am I being so protective about her!?

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