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Chapter 13(A bit of love)


Jennie fainted.I quickly holded her and took her in my arms and went to my headquarters hospital.
After Her surgery the doctor came and told"luckily her bones were not broken,But she should stay under observation for at least one day"
Taehyung-When will she wake up?
Doctor - Within an hour.
Taehyung - Okay
Doctor - Sir,I'll go and bring her medicine.
Taehyung - Fine.
Jack-Sir, About this-
Taehyung - You should take break.
Jack- No,Sir. I'm sorry.
Taehyung - It will be a break only.
Jack- I'm sorry sir.
Taehyung- It wasn't your fault but you hands touched her fucking more than I did.
Jack- I'm sorry, Sir.
I holded his collar and said "If you want to come back,Cut your fucking hands.I won't do anything more to you as you were one of the person who stayed by my side from day one.If she was letting you touch her,Where was your sense?Why didn't You stop her?you were taught how to trick others than why couldn't you fucking stop her?"
Jack- But sir,how can I stop ma'am?
Taehyung - why can't you? Your hands are paralyzed?
Jack- Sir, I'm sorry.
Taehyung - A mistake is done and a sorry cannot cover the things it broke.
Then I pushed him and he left.
I went inside Jennie's cabin.I took a chair and placed it beside Jennie's bed and sat there.I slowly touched her arm where I shot her and then touched her face.I knew the place I hit wouldn't cause her any further damages. I'm good with guns.But stopping her with a shot?It is breaking me.The person I wanted to protect.. wanted to love is getting hurt by me. She can't understand me.But that isn't her fault. But she knows me.She knows that letting another man let touch her Infront of me will make me so angry that I might kill her.But even if I ever end up in a position where I have to kill her, I'll die instead but I can't live without her.
Then after an hour Jennie woke up.She opened her eyes and a tear fell from her eyes.I removed the tear.Then she looked at me.I said "Are you feeling Okay".
Jennie- Yes.
Taehyung- I'll call the doctor.
I stand up and then Jennie holds my hand and asked "Did you kill Jack?"
Taehyung-I didn't.
Then she let go my hand.I went and called the doctor.He came and checked Jennie.
Taehyung - Is she fine?
Doctor - Yes,Sir.
Jennie- Sir?
Doctor - Yes.
Jennie- Why are you calling him 'sir'?
Doctor- Because it's his hospital.
Jennie- He owns a hospital?
Doctor - Yes.
Jennie- What's the name of the hospital?
Doctor - The-
Taehyung -Stop.Take rest and you doctor, leave.
Doctor - Okay,Sir.
Jennie- I think I'll faint again.
Taehyung- Faint.
Jennie- Faint(Mockingly)
Taehyung - Take this medicines.
Taehyung - Are you fine now?
Jennie- Hmm..Btw...
Taehyung -What?
Jennie- You are not good with guns.
Taehyung - Who said that?
Jennie- If you were good than why did you shit me in a part where it won't kill me?
Taehyung - Because I didn't want to kill you?
Jennie-But why? I made you angry.
Taehyung - Even if I go and but I won't kill you.
Taehyung- I don't know if it's love or not but the thing I feel for you is something I have never felt for anyone.It's you only,For me,my love.
Jennie- Do you really love me that much?
Taehyung - I do.
Jennie- Then answer my questions.
Taehyung - Not now.
Jennie- I knew you won't.
Taehyung - Wanna know an exclusive news?
Jennie- What Is it?
Taehyung - I'm getting married.

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