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jenna woke up and immediately got out of bed to get ready. she put on a long sleeve black crop top, black jeans, and some white socks. her manager was sitting at a table with a short stack of papers.

she walked over and sat down by her manager, her fist on the side of her head keeping it up. she was annoyed and bored.

"alright, what do i have to do again?" she said, grabbing the papers from her manager, amelia.

"look through the people who applied and choose one." amelia said as she crossed her arms and waited for jenna to look through.

"do i have to?" jenna asked, rolling her eyes. "yes." her manager replied.

jenna looked through the candidates, their skills, stats, and background. she looked through all of them and sighed, annoyed that she has to do this.

she turned back a page and flipped the paper around for her manager to see. "him." she sighed and walked back into her room.


i had gotten up an hour ago and was with my
best friend, jack. i sighed.

"what's wrong?" jack asked me. "i hate my fucking job, man." i complained and kicked the street.

jack stopped walking and put his hands on his waist, as if he was thinking. "what?" i asked him.

"well, the other day i saw this anonymous ad for a bodyguard position. you should sign up." he replied and walked back up to me.

"i don't know man, that sounds suspicious." i replied and kept walking down the sidewalk.

"please man. you always complain about your stupid janitor job or whatever. this could be fun, and you should put your skill's to work." jack told me and pretended to slow mo fight the air.

we laughed and i sighed. "alright, sign me up." i tell him. as jack is typing in my information, i walked behind a corner to call my boss.

it took me a few minutes to press that call button but i did. i had told him i quit and he understood why, after i had told him.

i returned to jack and put my phone away. "alright, you ready to go?" i asked him, as i unlocked my car we were standing next to.


i woke up at five this morning and immediately got out of bed, even though i was exhausted. i drank two energy drinks and an ice cold water while getting ready.

i put on a suit, made my hair so it was spiky and standing up. i grabbed my keys and opened my texts to find the address.

i got in my car and drove to the location i was supposed to be at. i got out of my car and walked to the door. a man opened them and smiled.

"thank you sir." i told him and gave him a $20 dollar tip. he thanked me back and i walked inside.

i walked inside the elevator and i clicked the number 13. after a few minutes, the doors opened again.

i walked over to the apartment number, closed my phone, and knocked on the door.

a girl opened the door and i smiled at her. "hi, are you amelia?" i asked her.

"yes, i am. come in!" she replied and stepped to the side. i walked in and she closed the door.

"so, i have to go on a trip for a while, but jenna is in her room." amelia says, she put on her coat and waved goodbye.

i locked the door and walked over to the room that amelia pointed to. i opened the door and saw a girl sitting at a desk.

she turned around and sighed. "hi." she said, annoyed.

i was shocked, i knew her. tara, vada, wednesday, any character she played, i knew. "you're jenna." i said.

"yeah?" she replied and i sat down on the chair by her desk.

"nice to meet you." i say, and she stop's writing in a journal, putting it away.

"you too." she says sarcastically and walks out the room, i follow her.

"so, what are your plans for today?" i asked her, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

"i don't know, i'll probably watch a movie and make some food." she replied and grabbed a water.

"nice." i said and looked around the apartment from where i was standing.

                             JENNA'S POV
                       FIRST PERSON POV

i saw him look around and was kinda annoyed by all the questions he was asking, but he was kinda cute.

"so, where are you from?" he asked me. i sighed and put my water down.

"california." i replied and looked at him. wanting him to shut up.

"oh really? me too." he said and smiled, i turned around, facing the counter. i grabbed my water bottle and headed back to my room.

i watched as he followed me, almost tripping. kinda like a puppy dog, it was cute.

i sat on my bed and rested my head on the headboard, turning on a movie.

                      A FEW HOURS LATER

i finished the movie and got my bed ready for me to sleep.

he left my room, and i got changed into my pajamas, turning off my tv and light.

i got comfortable and ended up falling asleep within a few minutes.

i wanted to have a dream about him but i also didn't? he was super hot and i kinda wanted to stay up.

(hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! it's not that long but whatever. will be updating in like a few days or a week, hopefully atleast.)

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