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3rd person:

somewhere in the world there was a beach that had a beautiful temple inside their sleeping was our protagonist who was suddenly woken up by a knock on their front door as they get up and go over to answer it

Y/N's p.o.v. :

'Who the heck is knocking on my door it's like 7 in the morning" before they get to the door they get a vision of who it is 'oh it's just (Y/F/N)' they open the door "hey (Y/F/N) whats up why are ya here" "hey Y/N i'm here because i have something to show you" they said. They then hand me a pamphlet that says "music camp" now that piqued your interest you also saw that it also says "and more" in tiny text "and why are you showing me this exactly"

 They then turned and looked at you and said "because i know you usually don't exactly leave this town much and you need more friend's that's also your age this seems like a good chance to make new friends" they said I looked at it one more time and saw all the music activities "I guess it look's like a good idea" they then looked really excited "really then we can sign you up it starts in a few days so you better start packing" they said 'wow they must be really excited for me to do this... wait' "it starts in how many days?" they looked at me and said "oh yeah about 3 days why?" "IT'S ONLY IN THREE DAYS!?"

i then rushed to pack and get everything ready I packed a swimsuit, a small photo of my mom, and some plant seeds, clothing, a hair brush and a tooth brush and tooth paste (also shampoo conditioner and body wash), some books, my roller skates, my phone and headphones (plus their chargers), and i had put some instruments in my gem, i also put my art stuff in my bags too and then i was done

(time skip brought to you by cookie cat)

today is the day I leave for camp pearl was making sure I had my crystal gem communicator with me garnet was looking into all the future possibilities that could happen and amethyst was checking and making sure i had my weapon with me and that I had everything with me "yes pearl i checked I still have it in my bag and yes amethyst i already tripled checked i have everything i need and garnet everything will be fine" i said as i was about to leave

"WAIT! Y/N you don't have your cloak on you need to have it on you know humans don't react well with your gem" pearl said "okay okay i'm putting it on right now" i said as i was putting it on "there it's on now let's go i have to leave in 10 minutes for the bus" i said they looked at each other then garnet said "okay lets go" then we started walking to the bus stop we said our goodbyes then the bus came i took one last look at the gems before getting on the bus i then sat near the front it seems like no one else was on the bus

(time skip to once you get to the camp brought to you by lion)

I looked out the window and saw that we were pulling up to the camp then i heard someone yelp or something i then stepped out of the bus and saw a red headed man get off the floor he looked and saw that i was watching and said "hello there i'm your camp counselor David and welcome to camp campbell" when he said that i looked at the sign that said camp campbell but the bell part of it seemed to be faded i then looked back at him and said "hello there i'm Y/N Goldstone um is this music camp" he then said "well kinda follow me"

he then led me inside the camp and brought me to a really run down and broken stage that had a 'microphone stand' that was really a metal rod with a microphone taped on their was also some other instruments that were being held together with duck tape "i thought this was music camp" i said as i looked at him he then said "well that's just one of the camp's we have here" "so like a camp camp?" i said still confused "exactly" he said still looking at me with the same bright smile "um okay is anyone else here yet"i said he then said "well you are currently the first to arrive but others are coming so while we wait for everyone to get here i'll give you a tour of the camp and it's history" he said as he began to walk towards a building "okay" i said 'this is going to be interesting'

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