chapter 4 - Camp Cool Kidz

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me and Ered were hanging out i was telling her some cool facts about skateboarding and some tricks.

(3rd person)

Nikki, Max, and Neil were scrubbing the floor with toothbrushes when suddenly max says "this sucks this is the kind of peasant work my parents left their home country to avoid" then Nikki spoke "yeah i don't get the point what good is rolling around on the floor if it's clean" then Neil answered "this isn't even part of a camp sanctioned camp activity this is child labor" they were then interrupted by Ered and y/n walking by stopping by a wall as Ered leans back and y/n stands near her Nikki then says "man Ered never get's yelled at for not working and y/n already finished their work their both just too cool i wish i was them" Neil said in response "Ered like the dry dessert climate?" Nikki then answered with "i think her real name is Meredith but she's so freakin cool she goes by the middle part of her name and y/n is so cool they go by their (nickname or full name) maybe i should try that ikk ooh yeah" max then replied with "that's fucking stupid names don't make you cool" Nikki then said "spoken like a true first part nicknamer" max then said "no one's too cool to talk to even cool kid's take giant uncomfortable shits from time to time helps remind you that we're all equal" quartermaster then started scolding them for talking and told them to get back to cleaning Neil then said "if we were in charge things would be so much better no scrubbing no outdoors" max then interrupted him by saying "no David" Neil continued "we should just revolt" max then said "you know what you're right" he then stood up and yelled "aren't you all sick of this lowly work it's we took control of our lives and fight back who's with me" everyone then yelled "YEAH"

(time skip brought to you by jasper's cool shoes)

Y/N P.O.V.

David and Gwen were tied up to the flagpole David was currently scolding max for doing this i was then brought back from my thoughts when max slapped David and max saying "shut up we're in charge now Davey the camp is our's" with Preston and Dolph cheering and Preston saying "this is just like 'les mis' oh i love it!" and max replied with "don't make this lame Preston" and then David saying "max let us down now Cameron Campbell is coming to the camp tomorrow and we need to get ready" then max said "oh even better you'll definitely be fired once he see's the state of campus in or will be in come on everyone" as everyone started leaving you turned to Gwen and David and gave Gwen a tablet with trashy t.v. and some melatonin because i know he didn't get sleep last night and then leave to the other's

I then left and found the other's max was on the stage talking about choosing a leader then Nikki yelled "I VOTE ERAN" then everyone (including me) started agreeing with them max got mad but Nerris said something about her having a plus 10 charisma boost Ered then thanked her and i said that was cool of her to say then Nikki yelled "I WANNA BE COOL TOO" we then turned to her and said "you were already cool" she looked really happy then Ered said "everyone can be cool in camp cool kidz" then Preston said he loved that name max then started saying something about fighting the man then we started leaving max held Nikki back saying something about her regretting something then Ered said "Nikki i got a cool pair of sunglasses" and i said "and i was wondering if you wanted me to give you a temporary tattoo you can choose the design" i said holding up a sketchbook with drawings for tattoo idea's on it Nikki then looked over and looked back at max and said to him something around the lines of 'don't think so' before running to us

(Time skip brought to you by Ered making you co-leader)

we were hanging inside Ered was throwing darts and i was finishing Nikki's tattoo Nikki then said "everyone is so much happier thanks to you two" then Ered turned to Nikki and said "how are the plan's for the giant half pipe coming?" Nikki then opened a blue print with a drawing on it saying "should be ready to build as soon as we learn basic architecture what a cool idea" then Ered answered "i know think of all the sick 900's we could do off that thing" i then said "it's gonna be so cool to watch" then Nikki said "yeah i totally know what that is" then Nerris came over with Harrison and said "Ered it's cold and boring outside i cast an invisibility charm around David and Gwen can we come inside for a bit" i then said "of course you can" then Ered said "in fact everyone get's a break *clap clap* DANCE PARTY" we all then started dancing i was dancing a bit away from the other's scared i might fuse with them

(Time skip brought to you by the platypus)

me, Ered and Nikki were taking a break and Ered then said "yeah i know what you mean check out this tattoo y/n gave me" Nikki then looked at it saying "wow" then Ered said "right? it'll be there for a few day's" Nikki then said "that's so cool Ered and y/n it's so cool that you made that" then i said "it's not that cool" then Nikki laughed and said "yeah your right tattoo's are not that cool" then the wall exploded we all turned and looked and saw space-kid with pinecones in his hand's? he then said "i did this come after me" then started running away Ered then said "aw man so uncool" and i said "that explosion was such a buzzkill" then Nikki yelled "MURDER HIM" and started to chase him waking David in the process me and Ered walked out and saw everyone but Nikki fell into a trap Nikki then said "whoa awesome" then looked at Ered and said "i mean You fiend" i then looked at the trap and said "it is kinda cool" Nikki then looked kinds happy that i agreed with her then we heard max say "your the fiend" we then look over and saw max and Neil who were for some reason shirtless? Ered then said "what do you loser's want" Neil then yelled "JUSTICE" David then said "you guy's are here to rescue me" max then replied with "no shut up David" i could hear David say "aw" in the distance Ered then said "i'd like to see you try and fight us" max then said "gladly" and started spinning his stick with a knife taped on it the knife then flew off and Ered said "Nikki attack" Nikki then started acting like a dog and her and max started circling David the yelled "NO FIGHTING violence isn't the answer" Gwen then yelled "STAB HER BITCH" max and Nikki then began to fight then max said "Nikki give it up she doesn't care about you she just use's people" then Ered said "don't listen to him Nikki" Nikki then yelled back "don't worry Ered i know it's not true" i then chimed in "yeah of course it's not true" then Herrison climbed out of the pit and said "i'll save you Nikki Fire" then he shot fire out of his hand which missed them completely and hit David instead who started panicking which then caused Nerris to yell "you suck Harrison" and while Nikki was distracted with all the drama happening max was able to kick her off of him which in turn broke Nikki's glasses then me and Ered went over to her and Ered said "this is decidedly uncool" and i went to help Nikki up and then David yelled "I AGREE! SOMEONE PUT ME OUT!" and then we heard a car honking so we all turned to the sound and saw a truck run into the flagpole putting the fire out everyone was staring at the truck then the door opened and Cameron stepped out and said "did somebody say Cameron Campbell?" Gwen then said "no...?" and David then said "Mr. Campbell?! You saved me!" and then Cameron answered "...YES! definitely saw you and was fully aware hitting you with my car would be the best course of action!" then David said "please excuse the condition of the camp sir Things got a little out of hand but we can fix it i swear" i then got bored of the conversation and went to help everyone out of the pit after everyone was out i then went back to the conversation "... that today is today and that someone is me" then max said "...Say what now?"

(Time skip brought to you by y/n freeing the quartermaster from the duck tape prison)

(3rd person)

they were all scrubbing the floor (i seriously don't know why this man won't just get a mop) Mr. Campbell then said "make it shine now kid's i had to cut back on provisions so you'll be reusing those toothbrushes later!" he then left "whelp i feel like that was futile sorry max" max the replied with "it's alright i think we all know this is all Neil's fault" then Neil said "yep lesson learned never try to change anything ever"

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