☆ Chapter 4. The Key and Terrorcons

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"So ya'll are robots that transformed into cars, even though you're form way out in space." Noah begin talking while Raina she just listened while checking terrorcons activity. "But now there's this key that opend a portal back to your home? Oh, and you know this because there's light in the sky that we can't see because were human." Noah said again as Raina turned towards him. "Sorry, Noah, a little correction, here the only human who can see the becon of the transwarp key is me, so don't equate me with other humans." Raina said as Noah was surprised to hear Raina's words. "Okay, that's pretty weird." Noah said.

"You said that like it's weird." Mirage pointed out through the radio making Noah and Raina gave him a deadpad look on their faces. "You know what's weird? Marky mark is leaving the funky bunch!" Mirage said Raina only heard the conversation between the two of them until Mirage asked one thing that made Raina quite surprised. "Hey, little lady how did you get your powers? and have you been to Cybertron?" Ask him calmly Raina answered. "First please don't call me little lady, it's weird when i hear it, for the first question I was given directly by Primus 4 years ago, and the second answer is never because Primus immediately sent me to earth. But if you guys are going back to Cybertron then I'll go too, earth it's my home but Cybertron is also my home I want to feel how it is to live there after the war ends." Raina answered, which surprised the autobots.

":Alright team. Heads up. There's a security up head:" Arcee said through the radio as Mirage let out a laught. "Nice! This is going to be fun man." Mirage said as Raina could already guess what Mirage meant. "No, bro, you need to switch it up." Noah denies it with a frown on his face. "You need to turn into a helicopter or a speed boar or something." Noah pointed out. "I think i got something way better than that." Mirage said making Noah confused.

Just few minutes, Mirage turn himself a dump truck gaining entry to Ellis island. "Okay, as I thought, oh yeah, Noah, you'll take the transwarp key later, I'll be on guard outside with Mirage." Raina said as the security guard gave them an okay sign as Mirage drove in. "Okay if you say it like that." Noah said as he look nervous right now.

Back to another autobots, who are waiting on the other side. Optimus frown as he watch on. "I do not like this plan." Optimus said as Arcee stood beside him. "Yeah, Mirage isn't really known for being quiet." Arcee pointed out while crossing her arms to her chassis. "At least Mirage is one of us." Optimus said with a sigh as he turned his optics back to the museum. "We should not be relying on a human." He said while Bumblebee frown as he looks at him. ":They are my friends..:" Bumblebee said through the radio, Optimus looks at him and said. "I know that one of them was good to you bee." Optimus said to him before looking back to the museum again. "And so do i to one of the humans. But this is not our word." Optimus pointed out as he remembers how strong the energy of Raina's matrixs is. "The humans will always protect what is theirs. We can only trust our own kind."

":You can't handle the truth!:" Bumblebee said in the radio with a glared making Optimus look at him. "I don't want you to go to that drive-in theater anymore." Optimus said sternly at him while glaring making Bumblebee sulk.

"Optimus, when i scan Raina, there is one thing that will surprise you." Arcee said making both Optimus and Bumblebee look at her. "What is Arcee??" Optimus asked as Arcee press something on the side of her helm, a hologram shows a anotamy of Raina. "When i scan her, I discovered something that shouldn't exist in a human's body." Arcee said as she zoom the hologram inside Reina's body. "Inside his body is like... Predacon? but the shape is the same as cybertronian." Arcee explained making Optimus frown before looking back to the museum.

Optimus doesn't say anything he just looks at the museum, but his mind is only on Raina. 'Who exactly are you Raina.... why did you make me interested in you.'

Meanwhile, three red meteorite fals form the sky as it crash on the river, causing the lights form the bridge start flickering before three terrifying terrorcons comes out form the water surface. "Nightbird, search the island." Commanded Scrouge before chuckling evilly. "Finally, the hunt draws a close."

Raina was aware from the start of the arrival of Terrorcon, she preferred to prepare what was needed for the battle later. 'Get ready terrorcon I will stop your plans with Unicron to destroy the earth and the universe.' Raina thought as she took out a sword given by Solus Prime.

I took the picture as a reference from Pinterest, let's just say that the purple color changes to blue

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I took the picture as a reference from Pinterest, let's just say that the purple color changes to blue.


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