☆ Chapter 13. the Last Battle [Part 1]

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Raina is on a hill leading to a mountain used to activate the transwarp key. Raina touches her chest where the Matrix of Elemental is located. 'It turns out that the orb given by Galaxy is a key for me to control its power,' Raina thinks as she looks back at the same spot where she can also hear Noah approaching her.

Noah and Raina gaze at the place where the key is activated, frowning and worried about the fate of their planet. "Forgive me, Noah, Raina," they both look at Optimus, who is walking towards them. "You were just protecting yourself," Noah says, giving him a sad smile on his face. "I can't even be angry at you for that," Noah says, turning away from him.
"In my home planet, we believe that the battle against darkness will continue until everything becomes one," Optimus says sadly. "I lost sight of that," he says, looking at Noah. "You fight for yours just as I fight for mine. But we should have fought against the darkness together," Optimus says to him as Noah looks at him. "Well, I'm not done fighting. I know the future is unpredictable, but we can't just stay silent," Raina says with determination on her face.

Noah smiles hearing what Raina says before turning to leave, making Optimus think about it before someone calls him. "Come on, we still have to fight my uncle," Raina says, walking ahead while Optimus finally smiles and follows his sparkmate.

"A'ight, everybody! squad up!" Noah shouts, getting everyone's attention to him. "Let's find a way to stop this dude." Noah says as Primal sighs before looking at him. "It's too late. The transwarp has already been activated," Primal says, taking a step forward. "Transwarp energy is bigger than a supernova." Then Airazor adds, "Any disruption will make it explode like a bomb. The only way to stop this process is to use the long-installed access code as protection." Airazor says as Elena is surprised to hear it.

"Okay. Then what is the code them?" Mirage asked, crossing his arms with a pouty face. "The access code was split, along with the key," Primal answered before Airazor furrowed her brows. "Sadly, I can't even remember the second key of the codes," Airazor said before Elena stepped forward.

"No! Wait, wait, wait!" she said, making everyone pay attention as Elena searched for papers in her bag. "I got it!" Elena shouted, pulling out a paper from her notebook. "The one half in your half of the key, right?" Elena asked, looking at Airazor who nodded. "That had markings in it! The statue!" Elena said, pulling out another paper. "Just like the one I found in the cave where you hid yours!" Elena said, looking at Primal. "Together, they must complete this access code." Elena said, merging the two papers that had codes on each of them.

Noah looked at everyone with a determined look on his face. "So we have a chance now, right?" Primal looked at him. "A slim chance," Primal said. "That's is all we need." Optimus said before looking at Primal. "If you will show us the way, Primal." Optimus added as the other Maximals looked at Primal, who was deep in thought before nodding his head. "Alright, we need to move quickly." Primal said as a hologram appeared in front of them.

"We have a small before the portal large enough for Unicron to enter." Primal said as the hologram was displayed to them. "The bridge is guarded by a series of tunnels. They are too small for Maximals... but..." Primal said as he looked at Noah and Elena. "But not for humans." Cheetor said as Noah, Raina, and Elena looked at each other and then back at them.

"If Noah, Raina, and Elena reach the central antenna, they can use the code to deactivate it and retrieve the transwarp key, as well as close the portal before Unicron enters our atmosphere." Primal finished explaining.

"But Scourge will be watching our every move. They will do whatever it takes to stop us from obtaining the key," Arcee said with a frown. "Then we will bring the fight to them!" Optimus said firmly. "Autobots and Maximals will storm the bridge together and lure Scourge into the battlefield." Optimus said, looking at each Autobot and Maximal.

"While Noah, Raina, and Elena will sneak in from behind," Airazor said, looking at the two humans. "Looks like we're all going to die." Wheeljack said, being nudged by Bumblebee.

"If we have to die, then we will die in battle," Optimus said, looking at everyone. "As one united front."

Raina then said something that surprised the others. "I will join you on the battlefield," she said, not getting the approval of Optimus, then she chanted a spell. "Elemental Split. Quake, Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Blaze, Ice, Torn, Light, Galaxy." A light emerged from Raina's body and surprisingly, she split into 8.


Nightbird turned around and saw something in the distance. "Scourge?" she called out, still gazing into the distance. "They have returned," she said angrily as the terrorcons turned around and found Optimus Prime standing far away from them, determination on his face. They saw the autobots, Raina's split, and the Maximals appearing on all three sides.

"Prime..." Scourge growled angrily before commanding two other terrorcons. "Protect the key! Don't let them reach the bridge," he ordered as the metal walls emitted a red light and a group of terrorcon troops appeared to follow their leader.

Autobots, Elemental, and Maximals also prepared for the ultimate battle.
"Maximals!" Primal began speaking first. "Elemental!" Raina/Galaxy spoke after Primal. "Autobot!" Optimus spoke after Primal and Raina before the three of them spoke together. "ROLL OUT!" Then they all charged into battle, causing the terrorcons and drones to start attacking them.

Autobots and Maximals attacked from both sides while Elemental was positioned on each of their front sides before Primal shouted, "RHINOX! CHEETOR! AIRAZOR! MAXIMIZE!" He commanded the Maximals to transform into humanoid form and attack the enemy drones alongside the Autobots.

Battletrap fired his machine gun in all directions while Optimus hid behind a large rock. "PROTECT YOURSELF!" he commanded as Wheeljack joined Optimus for cover. "GIVE ME A REAL FIGHT!" Battletrap yelled as he swung his mace before the ball was caught by Primal.

"You want a fight? You'll get one," Primal said with a sharp gaze on his face. Optimus used his sword as he pulled it from the ground to cut the chain, while Primal pulled it to tear Battletrap's arm, making Battletrap scream in pain. Then Optimus cut off one of his legs, pinning Battletrap to the ground.

As Optimus was about to finish with his final attack, Primal jumped and started repeatedly hitting Battletrap's helmet with his mace, killing the Terrorcon. "He was mine," Optimus said as he looked at the Maximals' heads. Primal just shrugged with a joke, "Pfft!" Raina/Galaxy was trying to hold back her laughter at their behavior and shouted, "Hey! Are you still going to argue about that? There are still many mini terrorcons here!" Her shout made them focus back on the battle.

Mirage kept Scourge busy as he continued to attack him from both sides, while Noah tried not to get killed in the midst of the battle. Then, Scourge hit Mirage's upper body, causing him to fall to the ground, before he was caught by his throat and lifted into the air. "You're in my way," Scourge said as he prepared to kill him before a star hit him and made him drop Mirage. The attack came from Raina/Galaxy who had just arrived.
This provides time for Mirage to face Scourge, causing Scourge's mask to fall. Mirage falls to the ground before being kicked in the face shield, causing him to fall backward and tumble several feet from Noah. "MIRAGE!" Raina/Galaxy shouts before being startled as Scourge shoots in her direction, causing her to dodge. "How pathetic, trying to save this planet is utterly useless. Especially against someone superior like me," Scourge says as he points his weapon at Noah, who looks terrified for his life. "No one will remember this pitiful planet," Scourge says as he prepares to shoot Noah. "BROTHER!!" Raina/Galaxy screams in horror as she starts running toward Noah, before stopping when Mirage quickly shields Noah as he's shot from behind.

"MIRAGE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Noah yells in horror, looking at his Autobot friend and protector. "Keeping... my promise... that I will... protect... you," Mirage says with pain, smiling at him. "MIRAGE! BROTHER! DON'T!" Raina/Galaxy cries out in horror as Scourge releases the final shot at Mirage, who falls onto Noah, lifeless.

Raina stares blankly as everyone around her seems to slow down. Her ears begin to ring as she can only hear her rapidly beating heart. She can't hear the faint sounds of gunshots on the battlefield. 'He... he killed them...' Raina/Galaxy thinks as tears begin to well up in her eyes, her expression turning into anger. 'HE KILLED THEM!!' Raina/Galaxy thinks as she lets out a resounding, echoing scream of rage across the battlefield.

(1530± word)

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