☆ Chapter 7. Going to Peru

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The next day, Raina was packing up what she needed to go to Peru, namely clothes, datapad, potions, more energon, and food. Raina also left letters for her mother and her little brother. Immediately she took her favorite jacket and clip and went straight to the Autobot base using a hoverboard.

"Good morning guys." Raina said to the autobots and Airazor it could be said that he arrived first. "Why did you come so early Raina." Airazor asked which invited questions from the three autobots. "Yes, you could say I want to exercise first and wait for Mirage, Noah and Elena. So I'll exercise first, bye." Raina said as she left them, the only person who looked at Raina was Optimus.

Arcee, who realized that her leader was acting unusually, finally approached him. "You like her huh Prime?" Asked Arcee as Optimus who heard that immediately averted his gaze because he blushed. "No." Optimus said while Bumblebee also joined in the conversation between the two of them. ":We know you like Raina, Optimus.:" Said Bumblebee who was beside Arcee as Optimus who heard it just sighed in resignation. "Okay, I really like Raina." Optimus said with blushing while Arcee and Bumblebee smiled knowing their leader liked someone.
"We support you Optimus." Arcee said which also got a nod of agreement from Bumblebee.

~30 minutes later~

Raina returned to their place when she saw Elena who was talking to Airazor, in the end she chose to be with Optimus. "Hey Optimus." Raina said as Optimus who heard her voice looked at her. "Raina, I want to ask something." Optimus said while Raina was sitting beside him, she immediately turned to Optimus. "Sure you can ask me anything." Raina said while drinking her energon.

"You once said that you can communicate directly with the Primes and Primus what kind of are they?" Optimus asked while Raina heard his question and almost choked. "Trust me they are different from those in history." Raina said while putting the bottle back into her bag as Optimus was confused by what Raina said. "What do you mean?" Optimus asked while Raina looked at him with a tired face. "Their behavior is very random, for example Solus Prime is someone who is easily provoked by emotions and is overprotective. Then Prima may be famous for his strictness but in fact he is very afraid if I get really angry, and many more." Raina said casually while Optimus swetdrop heard Raina's confession.

They then heard the sound of a car which turned out to be a Mirage, Mirage bagan to transformed after Noah hop out of the car. "Wooo hoo! Lets get this party started!" Mirage said as he finished transforming. Optimus let out a sigh while Bumblebee let out a whirl noise of hello while waving his servo, Raina immediately approached Noah and asked why she left first.

"Alright, what kind of jet we take? Or a plane? cause i'II go on a first class because i have long legs you know?" Mirage asked as Arcee spoke with a sheepish smile on her faceplate. "Um, I dont know that we're taking a plane." She said as Mirage stared at her with a dream look on his face plate. "You're telling me. . .no, nonono." Mirage said as  a large plane flew passed by making everyone look up. "Oh great." Mirage Mirage muttered as Raina immediately approached Optimus and spoke. "Statosphere right?" Raina asked and immediately got Optimus' nod. Looking at the large old plane that was heading towards of them, transfoming in the landing before rolling on the ground before stopping, laughing.

"Hello lads! The names Statosphere! I will taking all ya to Peru!" He introduced himself before he start coughing out some thing before spitting it out making Noah and Elena cringe in disgust while Raina just deadpate. "Yeah, i'II walk on Peru." Mirage said, as he too look a bit disgust. "Sometimes things get weird on cybertron." Raina mumbled as Statosphere transformed back into a plane, opening door behind making the autobots and the human go in before taking off.


Raina sat to Noah's right and put down her bag. Immediately took off her jacket because she felt hot and folded it. She leaned back and intended to sleep for a while before she heard the mumbling noise making her open her one eye to look at Elena, who was mumbling while looking nervous, which Noah noticed it and decided to talk to her. Raina closed her eyes again because she felt very sleepy, not realizing that everyone was staring at her.


"Is she. . . .always like this?" Elena asked as Noah looks at her and then back to to his sister and stroked her hair. "Not often but Raina does have problems with sleeping." Noah said which surprised Optimus because when he came, it could be seen from his face that Raina was sleeping soundly but it was the opposite.

"Yes you are but her face looks fine." Mirage said as Noah watched Raina worriedly. "She's too smart to hide her true feelings. Raina once told me that her dreams were about torture, betrayal, murder, and much more, then yesterday she said that her dreams were about Unicron and that happened for 4 years in a row." Noah explained sadly before looking back to Raina.

Elena covered her mouth before looking back at Raina. "Oh no...and she's still fine after all that." She mumbling as Noah who heard it just nodded while the rest of the autobots stared at Noah in shock before looking back to Raina. Optimus remain silent as every before looking at Raina still from, thinking what Noah just said.

Few hours later, they arrive at Peru as Stratosphere landed down that was far away from the sight of the human. Everyone got out before something driving towards to them before it transformed as fer butterflies start fluttering away once this new bot finished transforming. The others were busy talking to the bot but not Optimus and Raina who were riding their hoverboards. The butterfly that the bot had brought landed on Raina, Optimus who saw it immediately blushed badly and looked away. 'Beautiful.'

"The key is somewhere here around the city

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"The key is somewhere here around the city. Which is on that temple." Said Bot or can be called Weeljack as he pointed at the temple in the middle of the city. "Okay, so we just drive there and take the key right?? easy peasy." Mirage said making Bumblebee faceplam at him. "I do not think so. It appears that the city is having a festival." Weeljack said as pointed at a festival.

"Okay how, are we going to get the key??" Arcee asked before Noah suggested. "How about we go? we can go blend into get the temple." He said as Raina and Elena nodded. "That's great! we'll get you guys there and tell us if you guys saw Scourge or something." Mirage said with a grin as Optimus sigh. "I'll go take flighrs to see if Scourge is here." Airazor said before flppiang her wings and flew away into sky.

"Okay time to show." Raina mumbling as she start walking, making Noah and Elena follow her. "Hey Noah, catch." Mirage said as he throw something to Noah, making Noah rise his hand up to catch it but surprising him it transformed around his wrist, turning into looking like flashdisk. "You need it." Mirage said with a grin on his faceplate. Noah nodded before following Raina and Elena.


Noah and Elena hide around the parade while Raina slipped away from the many visitors. Raina looked around before following the two into the temple and closing the door behind her. "Okay, lets look something that was out of place." Noah said as took off the disguise as he start touching the wall, as if he's looking for the buttom.

Raina looked around before finding something. "Hey guys, I think I found something." Raina said making Noah and Elena come closer. "Look, it has the same symbol that Airazor have." Elena pointed at the marble down, making Noah and Raina look down and saw what Elena saw. "Okay, now what?" Noah asked as Elena gave a thoughtful look.

"I think we should twist it." Raina said making the three start twisting the Maximals symbols in correct way before they all step back and waited. . . .

"Okay was something supposed to happen or. . .??"
"Shut up Noah"

Then the ground slowly opens up revealing a hole below with some slabs that acts as a stair. "Okay, that happen." Noah said as he was first to go down, followed by Elena, who looks nervous as she follows him. Raina was left behind as her ears picked up a sound from a very far distance, realizing that it was the mini bot terrorcons she readied the sword she used before. turning her sword into a bracelet, before that she heard Noah called her name. "Yo! Raina! you coming or what!" Raina sigh before performing her cyclone element ability, namely 'AirWalk', surprise both of them as Raina wlked very casually in the air and landed smoothly.

(I took a reference from Herrscher of Void where he walks on air.)

"Okay, that's the most shocking thing I've ever seen." Noah said as he finished sliding down on the rock, before helping Elena up, who falls on her butt. "Woah." Noah said in shock along with Elena as ahead of them was a under ground city.

"Come on, we need to find the transwarp key." Raina said as she walks down towards the ancient city making the two follows her as well.

(±1605 word)

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