Chapter 29

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Corey woke up and grabbed his phone, it was two in the morning. Yawning, he grabbed his water bottle and realized that it was empty. He started to get out of the bed when Raven woke, "What doing, Sunshine?" He asked groggily.

"Just going to get some water," Corey replied. "Go back to sleep, Raven."

"Kay," Raven mumbled as he laid his head back on the pillow.

Corey pulled a shirt on then slipped some gray sweatpants before he quietly left the room. He entered the kitchen and pulled a water bottle out of the fridge. Just as he was taking a swig, he heard the all too familiar clanking of someone typing on a keyboard. Frowning in confusion at someone working at two in the morning, he started walking down the dark hallway toward the noise.

"Any other place and I would think I'm about to be murdered," Corey muttered to himself. "I really need to quit watching horror movies with the guys." Noticing that a door wasn't shut all the way, he stopped in front of it. Realizing that the noise was coming from that room, he pushed the door open a little more so he could see better.

"Dove?" He pushed the door open all the way just as she spun her chair around, facing him in surprise. "It's two in the morning, what are you doing?"

"What about you?" She asked, trying to slow down her racing heart.

"Needed a drink," he held up the just opened water bottle. "Are the twins sleeping?"

"Yeah," she said as she turned back to her computer. "They just went down about thirty minutes ago."

"Why are you still awake?" he asked curiously. "Shouldn't you be sleeping when they are?"

"Will in a minute," she mumbled. "Working."

"On what?" he asked as he walked over to her.

"Just making some adjustments to some of Papa's business websites," she admitted.

"Can I help you do that later in the morning?" He knew he had to tread carefully but he really wanted to try and get her to get some sleep before the twins woke up again. She was barely getting any sleep as it was because of her grieving and depression.

"Just a few more minutes," she mumbled then waved her hand, "fine, go to bed Mr. Henshaw."

"What you two doing?" Alexei asked as he came into the room. He saw the computer and rolled his eyes, "You hack sites again, Daughter?"

"I'm just making some adjustments," she mumbled. "Not my fault they were–hey, Papa," She pouted as he shut the laptop and spun her around.

"Go to bed, Daughter," he said sternly. "Can battle computer people after get good sleep." He paused then pointed at her, "eight or more hours sleep nyet play computer if less sleep."

"Papa," she gasped, her eyes widening.

"Nyet," he shook his head. "Need good sleep, know better. Grigori, Natasha handle babies, now go to bed or nyet computer. Corey?" He turned to face Corey and looked at him questioningly.

"I was just getting some water when I heard someone on a computer," Corey admitted. "I found her working and was trying to convince her to get some sleep without upsetting her."

Alexei chuckled and shook his head, "Bed Daughter now."

"I can't sleep," she pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"How about we go watch a movie then?" Corey suggested. "You can pick."

"Fine," she huffed as Alexei gently pulled her out of the gaming chair.

"Go take gummy," Alexei said as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Gummy?" Corey asked.

"Melatonin gummies," Dove explained as she hugged Alexei. "I'll go get some from Grigori."

"Good," Alexei said as he followed her out of the room.

"I'll go set up the media room," Corey whispered as he passed Alexei.

Dove gently knocked on a door and slipped inside, "Little Dove?" Grigori asked, his voice thick with sleep. "Nightmare again?" He asked pulling the comforter back for her to crawl into bed.

"Nyet," she shook her head. "Can't sleep so Papa found me messing with his sites," she admitted. "He's making me take some gummies," she pouted. He chuckled as he got out of bed and headed to the restroom. "He said I have to get at least eight hours of sleep or I can't show how incompetent his tech people are."

"He right, Little Dove," he smirked as he held out some gummies for her to take. "You need more three hours sleep. Nyet good for body and mind so little sleep."

She finished chewing and rolled her eyes. "So bossy."

"Da," Grigori nodded. "Walk back to bed?"

She shook her head, "I'm wide awake and Raven's husband Corey found me also, apparently he's awake also. He offered to watch a movie with me until the gummies start to work."

"I go with you," Grigori said as he put his hand on her lower back.

"If you are going to care for the twins while I'm being forced to sleep, you need to go back to sleep."

He chuckled as he opened his door. "I got plenty sleep, Little Dove, I fine." Alexei nodded before heading back to his room. Grigori led Dove to the media room and forced himself not to roll his eyes seeing Raven helping Corey set up the room. "What want watch?"

Dove shrugged as she sat down on the couch, curling her feet under her. Grigori covered her up with a blanket before sitting beside her. "I guess we can continue watching Paranormal Lockdown UK."

Grigori smirked as he turned it on, "Sounds good to me, Little Dove." Two episodes later, Grigori's phone pinged and he groaned in frustration as he read the email. "I go deal idiots, Little Dove, I be back soon."

She pouted as she was curled up against him so comfortably. He chuckled and shifted her so she was leaning against Corey. "Be careful," she mumbled as she pressed against Corey some more. He wrapped his arm around her then started running his fingers through her hair.

Grigori leaned down and kissed her forehead, "Always am, go to sleep, be back when wake."

She hummed and closed her eyes, "Kay."

Grigori stared Raven down for a minute before Raven nodded, satisfying Grigori who nodded then quietly slipped out of the room. Raven reached over and covered Dove up better before softly kissing Corey. He changed the show to a movie that he and Corey liked watching and double checked that the baby monitors were turned on.

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