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After riding through winding roads in the middle of nowhere, Nobara parks her car outside the ranger station. As the engine purrs to a halt, she glances back at you and Itadori, seated side by side in the back. "Well, we're here," she grins nervously.

"Uh," Itadori interrupts, leaning forward slightly, "Where is 'here' exactly?"

Fushiguro chimes in, his voice tinged with a mix of seriousness and dry humor. "We're in the middle of nowhere."

Nobara sighs, her tone slightly exasperated yet determined, "Yeah, but one of my friends went missing out here. I want to find her."

With a small grin, you chime in, "Well, as long as none of us end up missing, too, I'm on board."

The car doors open, and you step out onto the soil, shutting the door behind you. The air carries a crispness, and the scent of pine trees mingles with the anticipation that hangs in the atmosphere. You find yourself in complete wilderness, surrounded by towering trees and a hint of danger. 

Then, the four of you make your way towards the ranger's station. The old wooden structure radiates a sense of rustic charm amidst the wilderness. The door creaks as you enter, and a small bell tinkles above it, announcing your presence. The ranger, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor, greets you with a nod and a slight tilt of his hat.

"Welcome to the woods," he says in a warm voice, his eyes crinkling as he smiles.

Nobara approaches the counter, and the ranger hands her a map, tracing his finger over the marked areas. "Here's where you'll be staying at the campsite. Just follow this trail," he explains.

"Thanks a lot," Nobara replies, tucking the map into her bag.

His expression growing serious, the ranger advises, "And be sure to keep an eye out for bears. If you encounter one, make yourself look big so they won't attack."

Nobara raises an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Bears? Are they common around here?"

The ranger nods somberly. "Unfortunately, yes. We've had some sightings. Just remember to stay vigilant."

Intrigued, Nobara continues her line of questioning. "Is it true that someone went missing recently?"

The ranger's expression turns solemn, and he sighs, "Yes, it is. A young woman. We're doing everything we can, but so far, we have no leads about her whereabouts."

A collective groan escapes both you and Itadori, the idea of an unsolved mystery weighing heavily on your minds. "Probably another curse-related thing," Itadori mutters.

Nobara glances between the two of you, her gaze firm, and declares, "Come on, you guys, let's not jump to conclusions."

With a shared nod, you agree, realizing that speculation wouldn't lead you anywhere. Leaving the ranger's station, the four of you step back into the cool air, your footsteps already carrying the weight of the unknown that awaits you at campsite 17.

Nobara takes the wheel once again, and the car rolls through the forest, navigating winding paths. The anticipation grows as the minutes pass, and after a twenty minute search, you finally arrive at campsite 17. As the car comes to a stop, Fushiguro lets out a sigh, clearly relieved that the journey is over.

"We should get set up," he suggests, glancing around at the dimming surroundings. "It's going to be dark soon."

Itadori's stomach rumbles, and he chuckles sheepishly. "I'm kinda hungry."

Nobara grins, her determination showing. "Alright then, let's do this quick so we can sit down and eat."

You nod in agreement, eager to get everything in order before darkness falls. As a team, you begin the process of setting up camp. The tent is unpacked and pitched not far from the little shelter house made of bricks. 

While the campsite begins to take shape, you arrange four camping chairs around the small makeshift stove inside the shelter, creating a space where you can all gather. Itadori takes charge of starting a fire, his enthusiasm infectious. As the flames dance to life, he grins at you, and you find yourself flashing a smile back.

In a quiet moment, your mind drifts back to a conversation you had with Itadori when the two of you were last alone. His words about wanting to get you alone in his tent replay in your memory, making your heart flutter.

Suddenly, Fushiguro's presence startles you. He's soon joined by Nobara, who brings her backpack and takes a seat. Fushiguro then hands you a bag of marshmallows, and Itadori grabs some sticks, readying them for roasting. 

As the marshmallows begin to sizzle and turn golden over the fire, casual conversation fills the air. Fushiguro offers a subtle smile as he hands you the marshmallows, while Itadori's playful stunts with the sticks draw a laugh from you. Nobara's laughter rings out too, and you're all caught up in the simple joy of roasting marshmallows.

A glance into your bag makes you realize you thought you had brought chocolate for s'mores. Confusion flickers across your face when you can't find it. Unbeknownst to the others, you catch Nobara discreetly stashing the chocolate away in her backpack. You narrow your eyes at her, wordlessly conveying your frustration. "Nobara..."

"What?" she shrugs casually.

"Did you bring any chocolate?" you ask her.

"No, I thought you did," she then sighs. God, this girl must really love her chocolate.

"Well, we can't really have s'mores without chocolate, can we?" Itadori chimes in.

"Shit, I guess I'll have to go back out and get more," she grumbles as if she really has no idea what happened to the chocolate. "C'mon, Fushiguro, let's go," she then adds, taping him on the shoulder as she stands up.

Fushiguro lets out a sigh as if he already knew he was going to get dragged into this, and the two of them make their way towards the car.

Itadori glances at you with a puzzled expression. "What's that all about?"

"Who knows," you answer, a smile growing on your face as the sound of the car's engine fades into the distance. "But now that we're alone..."

{THE ENCOUNTER} Itadori x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now