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I have no name.

They just refer to me as "her" or "that one".

I should probably explain why I have no name. It's the year 3417 and the government set up a secret underground lab where children of homeless and poor families were experimented on like guinea pigs. Yes, even in the year 3417 there is still poverty.

I guess I should also mention that the "United States of America" has changed its name. It is now known as "The Republic" which is ironic when the ruler of The Republic is basically a tyrant who wants nothing more than power. The "United States of America" fell after World War VI. A man only known as "The Magnificent" took control of what was left and made "The Republic".

I guess it was good in the beginning cuz he stressed the rebuilding of the nation. The people loved him and decided that he would rule over them for life. Only after ten years of reign did he create his underground laboratory.

Everything to the masses' eyes looked perfect. I mean technology improved drastically such as the creation of holograms, hovercrafts, and many other gadgets. But underneath the glamor and glitz was the disturbing truth of the government: they were experimenting on kids from the slums.

When they first started, local people worried about the missing children but as time went on and more children were taken, the local people didn't care anymore. We were only trash anyway.

The first experiments were bad: most kids died or if they survived, they were highly unstable and would eventually die. It took over thirty years for them to have a perfect success: me.

I think they regretted making me. My power that they unlocked, they fear to their core. The researchers only address me when they have to for testing and stuff. The other children who were successes, but not as much as a menace as me, shunned me.

As time went on, more labs were made and all the successes were moved to this lab which we call "The Mix". The oldest of us is around twenty while the youngest of us being around six. The Mix has made the most successes of all the kids tested on so to keep track of us all they just stick us all here. As far as I know, only one laboratory has been closed down for good. We call it "The Wrecked" because before researchers closed it, there was a major explosion. Of course the government covered it up saying that it was just an earthquake. The Wrecked only produced two successes out of the fifty children they experimented on.

You're probably wondering why even the other test subjects hate me. Well they are jealous of my strength which I absolutely loathe. I hear what they say out loud to my face but I'd rather not know what they say in their heads. They were also afraid of my power so they stayed away from me so I would not pick up their thoughts. Not like I wanna hear them anyway.

I was alone, but I'd rather be alone anyway.

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