The Day of the Crash

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Scott's POV

I was hanging out with Jimmy one day, we were at the coffee shop he had gone and ordered our drinks I stared at him longingly his beautiful hazel eyes met mine I felt myself heat up I didn't realize that he was in front of me he said: " Scott Scott are you here, earth to Scott ". 

Scott: Oh hi Jimmy

Jimmy: Hi Scott whatcha thinking about  

Scott: Oh nothing I was just thinking about what to stream later

Jimmy: Oh okay 

That's not true though I was thinking bout him, and how I wanted to be with him, but I knew he was straight so I didn't bother. 

We were done we went out of the shop, I had parked my car on the other side of the road so I waited for the light to turn green *ding* I looked then I crossed the road but I heard Jimmy say  "Scott watch ouu" that's all I heard then everything went black.

Jimmy's POV

He fell I saw his body on the ground I tried to stop him, I held back my tears the guy who hit him got out of his car I took my phone out I called 999 and they came as quickly as they could, I felt tears run down my face. We got to the hospital he was rushed into surgery, I decided I would call one of his best friends Owen. Once Owen picked I told him

Owen: Hi Jimmy How are

Jimmy: Owen can you come to the hospital please, Scott he got hit

Owen: What Whaa, I'm Coming as soon as I can I'll call his sister right away

He was coming I knew he would know what to do he was one of Scotts closest friends, he arrive I was so relieved.

Owen's Pov

I called Scott's sister shocked at the news

Owen:  Evelyn I need you to get on a plane come here please

Evelyn: Owen calm down why do I need to go there 

Owen: It's Scott he's been hit he is in surgery at the moment he is with Jimmy right now, I'm in an uber now.

Evelyn: Ok I'm coming bye

I got to the hospital looking for Jimmy I found him he was crying his eyes red and puffy I said " hey Jimmy what happened" he said " we were just hanging out he was crossing the road to get his car th then this guy came he hit him " he said still crying  I said " he will be okay it's Scott after all " he just looked at me I said " it's okay" he went on crying.

Jimmy's POV 

Owen had arrived I was relieved he comforted me and told me his sister was coming, the doctor came back saying " he is stable for now but he hit his head hard and is in a coma at the moment we are not sure when he will wake up but you may see him now ".

We walked to the room I saw him his body lying there, I wished I told him sooner I wish I had told him how I felt about him about us.

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